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whats the best duo?? (1 Viewer)


New member
May 4, 2006
me and a friend of mine are making 2 new toons an the combine.....and we want the most uber duo out there.....would rather not have the necro + sham cus we both have those on other servers but if u all could throw in some info on this topic would love it.....first we were think Druid / mage.....and then druid / ench but idk let me know everyone would truelly appreciate it
mage gets a pet that can tank. shammy can heal/slow/dot :) Snare might be a problem, unless you use the earth pet, but beyond that you should be fine.

Or you can do mage/mage and if you guys time it right you can plow through just about anything via chaining pets.
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Shaman / Warrior
Enchanter / Wizard

I like my monk shaman duo though it's not the most powerful duo I love the monk class.
Im still Partial to Shaman/Monk although it is not as effective as it used to be.

if you are really worried about snaring then you could always keep some snare pots around JIC (if not using a monk)

the fact that I can relibably pull 1 mob or train and FD mobs away to me make up for the not so good tanking of a monk.

To me Duos are more about utility than anything else and SHM/MNK, to me at least, have the most utility when paired. I would go iksar for both if you ever plan on using crafted armor ... at least if you are a DIY person.
Depends on play style, Necro/Druid is majorly powerfully, if you don;t mind being limited to kiting, but you have FD, dual snares, healsm, ports, resses and everything.
If you prefer a littl emore traditional and are open to newer thought... I play a shaman / Zerker duo. I like it because zerkers are basically the same HP table as knight classes, good avoidance, and HUGE DPS. Add to the zerks innate abilities a shaman epic 2.0 zerk epic 2.0, and hit a few discs, you can pretty much pull zones like Loping planes 5 at a time.
The old standbys of warrior/shama and monk / sham are as alwayts very powerful, buit in my experience, the zerk just plain outdps's the monk, bu tof course you lose mend and FD.
IMO Zerk Shm is best for a duo because to form into a larger group is simple, add a healer and a tank if the stuff just hits too hard and your set, though a well geared zerk can tank just about anything i have yet found, I regularly duo Fort Mech and Gyrospires fairly effectively, of course not as efficient as a full group. But more XP in duo hehe so even trade off.
whats the best duo??

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