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Discussion - Whats the most high end class to play nowadays?? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Apr 14, 2015
Hi there....im thinking of subscribing again in EQ and start boxing my 6 team...buuuut....as i can see nothing changed in 5 months from when i quit, no new zones, no more challenges since i did all the nameds huntings in eok, have all gear i wanted and i just wanna try to play casual farming rares...and i know its really boring so im thinking of pling a new class fun to play and im out of ideas...

so i was wondering if theres anything that i missed (i guess i didnt ) about a fun class in high end...i tried a shaman but when i got it to 105 i saw it doesnt make sense in anything...everything it does another class does more and better...changed it for a bst...wizzies are not top dmg as i remember staying behind zerker and ranger with HS...

So how's the rogue/monk in dps section?? what about mage and druids?

Is EQ still fun to play?? hehe j/k

(ok i dont know how to edit the topic, it was supposed to be whats the most funny high end...)
IMO it's stiill very fun to play, even though i'm on the LAGGY server !
I seem to recall that druids got an uber DPS boost on the DoT side, can't really speak for the other classes, but i do see a good deal of DPS from the rogues i usually group with !!
As for Zerker and Ranger, since they nerfed HS and Decapitate, maybe you'll find the wiz isn't as obsolete as you thought it was back then ? I'm playing both a wiz and zerker in group, and they do quite ok, the both of them !
Discussion - Whats the most high end class to play nowadays??

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