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Question - Where can I find good, up to date, concise guides? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jan 21, 2017
So, for those who read my other thread, things are going decently. Currently working my way through ToV stuff on the way to 115 with all my toons. Finished leveling the cleric and PLed a BST (both to 110+) to replace the WIZ, all in all feels like a good move.

Now that I'm past autogrants and that I'm starting to pick up more and more gear, I'm starting to wonder if there's good sites similar to wowhead or icyveins or something that has per class guides on stuff like AA priority, stat priorities and things like that. I'm just trying to figure out a priority on what to focus on to power up the fastest which leads me to my next question.

I'm a little stuck because while I can do T1 ToV namers and random open world grinding out there relatively well, the EXP seems to have slowed to a crawl and I hear that missions and stuff are great EXP for leveling, but I'm having a hard time doing them. Specifically, I tried Grik and my party members seemed to keep getting 1 shotted because for some reason, I can't get Eskay to pick up adds, it seems like he focuses on his one target, so sometimes when Grik lands or his adds spawn, they literally just turn to like 3 of my casters and 1 shot them lol. I was able to do the Merc quest and the partisan quest in EW so I guess I can try to do them for the other zones to speed up leveling a bit. I've never really used these missions and stuff to level, I normally just grinded lol, questing was kinda the last thing I ever did in everQUEST lol. The good news is that the merc/partisan quest wasn't that bad, it was actually kinda fun. I've gotten a lot better at moving around with my party though I'm still not great so it's good practice and a good reward for practicing! :D

The return is fun, all accounts are xpac upgraded and I have 3 accounts golded atm for autogrants (CLR/BST(/WIZ)/SK) working on leveling
What's the EQ wowhead/icy-veins equivalent (if it exists)
What should I do to level 110-115 the easiest/fastest (i realize these are likely not the same option as autopull grinding is always the easiest)
So, for those who read my other thread, things are going decently. Currently working my way through ToV stuff on the way to 115 with all my toons. Finished leveling the cleric and PLed a BST (both to 110+) to replace the WIZ, all in all feels like a good move.

Now that I'm past autogrants and that I'm starting to pick up more and more gear, I'm starting to wonder if there's good sites similar to wowhead or icyveins or something that has per class guides on stuff like AA priority, stat priorities and things like that. I'm just trying to figure out a priority on what to focus on to power up the fastest which leads me to my next question.

I'm a little stuck because while I can do T1 ToV namers and random open world grinding out there relatively well, the EXP seems to have slowed to a crawl and I hear that missions and stuff are great EXP for leveling, but I'm having a hard time doing them. Specifically, I tried Grik and my party members seemed to keep getting 1 shotted because for some reason, I can't get Eskay to pick up adds, it seems like he focuses on his one target, so sometimes when Grik lands or his adds spawn, they literally just turn to like 3 of my casters and 1 shot them lol. I was able to do the Merc quest and the partisan quest in EW so I guess I can try to do them for the other zones to speed up leveling a bit. I've never really used these missions and stuff to level, I normally just grinded lol, questing was kinda the last thing I ever did in everQUEST lol. The good news is that the merc/partisan quest wasn't that bad, it was actually kinda fun. I've gotten a lot better at moving around with my party though I'm still not great so it's good practice and a good reward for practicing! :D

The return is fun, all accounts are xpac upgraded and I have 3 accounts golded atm for autogrants (CLR/BST(/WIZ)/SK) working on leveling
What's the EQ wowhead/icy-veins equivalent (if it exists)
What should I do to level 110-115 the easiest/fastest (i realize these are likely not the same option as autopull grinding is always the easiest)
there really isn't anything like wowhead or icyveins. most of the stuff is very cookie cutter once you are in "modern game", gear is very linear and just a rinse/repeat of what you got before

for the modern expacs for group content you pretty much have a couple of group tiers g1, g2, and then crafted g3, before you get into raid tiers.

as far as AAs go - you pretty much want everything, some are less desirable than others, but this game isn't like wow or other games where you have a "AA spec" or "aa loadout" that you would pic xyz over fng, for example.

110+ was intended to do merc/partisan and the 4 missions to level - the 4 missions alone will take you from ~30% in 113 to 115. they made xping harder to just "grind" out for levels in tov+

Allah's is good for questing
EQResource where i can for gear/spells/mob info
RaidLoot for AA info and gear
So, I guess my question would be, where do you think I should focus to get to a point where I can do the missions? The SK is wearing full TOV T1 visibles and a few off-vis. He's at like 250k HP buffed (184k unbuffed) ~5600AC. He has 28090 AAs (autogrants plus some CS/CA i farmed at 110). Should I just be farming w/e ToV namers to get all my toons into T1 ToV gear? I just watched your Grik 2.0 video and my top DPS is doing like 200k in burns, yours are 1.2 mil lol. Everyone else in the party is either in T1 EoK with a few RoS non-vis thrown in.

When I start doing AAs, what should I focus on for the SK, I know there's no build and that the end goal is to get them all, but surely some are better than others and more important for tanking vs DPS right? Are there some that are weighted way stronger than others? Or should I just read and learn all the ones that sound like they mitigate dmg or steal life?

Should I start doing AAs now? Maybe do AAs on the SK while I grind out some ToV gear, then get his levels from quests/missions?

Oh, and what missions are the easiest ones? Is it Grik and I'm just sucking THAT bad? lol (it probably is)
So, I guess my question would be, where do you think I should focus to get to a point where I can do the missions? The SK is wearing full TOV T1 visibles and a few off-vis. He's at like 250k HP buffed (184k unbuffed) ~5600AC. He has 28090 AAs (autogrants plus some CS/CA i farmed at 110). Should I just be farming w/e ToV namers to get all my toons into T1 ToV gear? I just watched your Grik 2.0 video and my top DPS is doing like 200k in burns, yours are 1.2 mil lol. Everyone else in the party is either in T1 EoK with a few RoS non-vis thrown in.

When I start doing AAs, what should I focus on for the SK, I know there's no build and that the end goal is to get them all, but surely some are better than others and more important for tanking vs DPS right? Are there some that are weighted way stronger than others? Or should I just read and learn all the ones that sound like they mitigate dmg or steal life?

Should I start doing AAs now? Maybe do AAs on the SK while I grind out some ToV gear, then get his levels from quests/missions?
missions and "harder" progression are very much intended for "roughly more or less" around the content tier they are from. so if you don't have gear, aas, augs, spells, and such to match, you're going to have an uphill battle.

I hear from folks all the time who are like "i went to 115 right away, i'm wearing heroic gear and have 0 aas and i can't win aary mission (arguably the harder of the missions).

re: griklor - that was nearly a couple years ago now :p - a 110 melee group with tov t1 gear, only augs available to them, and ~60% of max AAs up to RoS, i could 1 drop griklor.

having AA focus to match the spells you are using is significant, because they're not just linear % increases, they are also gated

ToV max sk AA was something like 51848, and it is something like 57833 in CoV - now of course there are a ton of fluff, but 28k vs near 51/58k is a huge difference.

I would keep farming that tov t1 gear - is is really good for 110, and grind out some of those AAs to try and catch yourself up. your tank needs type 7 AC Augs something fierce

Another question, I know the SK is the most important to gear, who's next? Top DPS? Heals?
i personally focus tank >> top dps, second dps, heals = cc = third dps
no one can have too low hps that they explode from a named aoe, especially the healer, but a healer can heal just fine without pimped gear, but tank and your focused dps need the love to make fights end faster
Lol damn! I knew grik was supposed to be easy. Alright, I guess I'm just trying to rush and thinking I'm gonna catch up too fast. So! I guess my plan now is farm namers in ToV T1 zones to fully T1 gear my toons. Then, farm AC Augs, I'd already farmed a few... but not a ton. And while doing that, I'm gonna 90% AAxp my SK, since he'll get most of the EXP he needs from just doing merc and partisan but leave 10% for death xp loss.

That sound about right?
Sounds like a good plan. I spent a while trying to gear and lvl up before doing Grik, but once you beat him once you will have him on farm :p
I found ToV to be a big step up. Mobs are higher level than you for the first time in two XPACs, and hit harder. First time in a while where the mobs were yellow and red cons.

I would focus on getting the tank into T1 ToV gear. It is a good step up, and seems like the minimum for serious entry into the expansion. All T1 zone loot is tradeable, and can be had in bazaar for a reasonable price these days. Hunting for it yourself is absolutely possible, but I wouldn't start progression to get levels or AA until you are into T1 gear at least. You could grind AAs or levels off EW trash in pre-ToV gear, but as others have said this is not how the XPAC was designed.

As for the Grik group and caster aggro. That may not be your problem. If your DPS is low and Grik calls up enough adds you will start getting an emote (something about how loud it is getting, been a long time since I saw it). At this point everyone will start taking some rain or other AoE damage. If your casters have low HPs they can pretty much get one-shot. I failed miserably the first few times because of this and had to forget doing the mission until I got some more gear and a bit higher DPS.
What you can do is fight In GMM to train your skills and combat strategy with the SK. Then move to CoV or ToV, it doesn't really matter as long as you can control the pulls.

You should be fine easily with the current HP and AC and AA's you stated. Its only a matter of your skill level now
At this point everyone will start taking some rain or other AoE damage.

There's two forms of AoE from Grik fight. Rain and Shout. The shout occurs when there's too many adds. The rain happens if you can't kill him after 2-3 drops or so.
The key for Grik will always be that first drop because when you pop your burns you need to get him to under 30% so he can't take off. If you're not hitting him hard enough on the first drop to take him under around 65% you're going to end up with the rain. Which means you'll be limited to where you can stand (I believe the log is a "safe" place.) When that happens the fight is all but ruined because you might not be able to get hit by the targeted AOE in flight (As the mechanic is the AoE hits you while you're under him, so it hits Grik also.) Which means you can't knock him down to ground level, which means you can't do anymore dmg to him. If you can kill him by second drop it's possible to mostly ignore the adds as long as they're not an issue for you. But if you go over that you'll probably end up getting the shout.

If you do manage to down grik and you have adds, run to and open the chest (located at the entrance you came in) it will clear all the adds.
Thanks again for the responses guys.

GMM sounds like a good idea, I'm pretty sure I looked and the rewards are upgrades for me too, so that'll be nice. I'll give it a shot here soon.

Right now, the SK has gotten a few more pieces from ToV including a sweet AC aug off the sleeper's servant. I'm trying to use Aug farms that have other off piece drops I need to gear. I capped him out for CS/CA and I'm working on Physical Enhancement, then AoW and ND (28410 AAs now). He still feels pretty squish tbh, but I guess he'll get there slowly but surely.

Right now my cleric got to 7/8 vis pieces, I know we said DPS first, but Sic also said to make sure your healers can't get one shot. So I figured I'd start giving him vis pieces since they're easy to come by, but I'm gonna start gearing DPS soon too. Right now, my DPS seems to be super low, I didn't think it was bad, but I got Grik down to something like 70% I think on my best attempt, one of the few times he didn't come down and instantly kill a toon or 2. So, if I'm supposed to be able to get him down to 65% like Chat said or 1 drop him like sic did (TWO YEARS AGO! lol :D , I'm just not there DPSwise. I know one thing I need to do is go get my zerker's epic, so that's on the list. I think if I get him a ToV weapon and his epic, he'll probably gain a lot of DPS.

Right now, I'm doing this ToV named farming because I figure it's the fastest way to get the highest number of upgrades since they all drop generic vis pieces 5 of my toons can use and the mobs I'm farming also drop earings and AC augs (I got one, waiting on the other to drop). I'm getting kinda bored of this camp, so I'm probably gonna go try GMM just to get a change of pace.
So, didn't go to GMM yet, but I DID cave and buy all 6 CTWN plugins for my party :O. Again, I don't know if it was a settings thing or what, but the performance of RGMercs seemed inconsistent at times. I'd be pulling the same mobs with 0 problems for hours, then I'd die only to find the mob hadn't been slowed and my healer hadn't healed and both my melee toons were trying to nav to 5 ft infront of them and doing nothing. I'm hoping this helps.. lol.

I'd like to say though, this is not meant as any kind of disrespect to the makers of RGmercs, that shit is super impressive as a free to use, out of the box solution to every class in this game, kudos.
I am not sure how your server is but when I am farming a CoV named, I allow folks to loot anything I can't use. There are some pain in the ass folks from time to time asking for the item I am seeking after offering them the T1 gear. As far as T1 ToV, when I see folks asking for some help I will give them what I have stashed away. Don't be bashful, ask in general if anyone has any rotting in their bank. It's readily available in baz but some folks give it away.
As for your gang getting picked off by the adds from Griklor, I am fairly certain Eskay uses revulsion(if you're 110 still) if you have it. /SHD MISSING is your best friend. Read the plugin output and correct accordingly. Use that for all of your CWTN plugins as a matter of fact.
I did it! well, kinda... I beat RA in GD :P Grik still beat me... lol. Still, progress!

Edit: Grik is dead, screw that guy :P took 2 ground phases, no super proud ass 1 drop... but he's dead and that's what matters lol. Do these missions give good xp for repeating them?
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I have been scouring the intrawebs to find these guides that, I'm very sure, were available five to ten years ago. Apart from Allakhazam and Almars which are both better as database rather than definitive guides, I'm guessing that discord is probably the place to go for user-generated content now...
I did it! well, kinda... I beat RA in GD :P Grik still beat me... lol. Still, progress!

Edit: Grik is dead, screw that guy :P took 2 ground phases, no super proud ass 1 drop... but he's dead and that's what matters lol. Do these missions give good xp for repeating them?
no, not really good xp, but the mission currency is good for buying type 5s and a bag for each xpac, and they drop bricks

tov and cov only have 4 missions each, and are stingy with the currency, so it takes a while of farming to get stuff with the currency
110 to 115 was crazy slow for me because I was stubborn and I am anti-social and just wanted to camp a spot and stay there for days. Grik mission and Seeking the Sorcerer mission are fantastic xp the very first time(crappy after) but only became super easy for me when I maxed aa and got tier 2 gear on all my group. I skipped t1 when expansion came out and went straight to Kael with 8 of my toons and didn't leave there till I was 115 on all and remaxed aa. Kael is a horrible zone to lvl in because mobs usually come in two unless carefully split and the giants have way more hitpoints than t1 mobs and xp is sucky. Nobody was there though unless doing missions and progression so that will tell you how anti-social I am lol. I still haven't completed the kael mission haha will wait till 120 then go kill that crappy sob. hang in there it is a grind...not sure how 115 to 120 will be but 110 to 115 was probably my slowest 5 lvls since hell levels were out.
110 to 115 was crazy slow for me because I was stubborn and I am anti-social and just wanted to camp a spot and stay there for days. Grik mission and Seeking the Sorcerer mission are fantastic xp the very first time(crappy after) but only became super easy for me when I maxed aa and got tier 2 gear on all my group. I skipped t1 when expansion came out and went straight to Kael with 8 of my toons and didn't leave there till I was 115 on all and remaxed aa. Kael is a horrible zone to lvl in because mobs usually come in two unless carefully split and the giants have way more hitpoints than t1 mobs and xp is sucky. Nobody was there though unless doing missions and progression so that will tell you how anti-social I am lol. I still haven't completed the kael mission haha will wait till 120 then go kill that crappy sob. hang in there it is a grind...not sure how 115 to 120 will be but 110 to 115 was probably my slowest 5 lvls since hell levels were out.
Yep, that's called doing it the hard way, but at least with MQ it is doable. I couldn't imagine having to do that grind in a real group. Which I suppose is why they threw in the mission path to start with. Going group missions with a real group is way more fun than grinding away through thousands of blue con mobs. Grinding in ToV / CoV is pretty much reserved for AA's.

Haven't been on beta, but my guess is that since this XPAC comes with a level increase it will go the same way as ToV - lots of regular XP for doing progression, where CoV didn't need to give much XP at all.
Unless they change Overseer, I plan on sitting in PoK for the next 50 days and become 120 the passive way! No, seriously though Overseer is a fantastic supplemental xp boost to your daily routine. Having relatively new toons on my crew, I intentionally skipped the 4 ToV missions as they are showing 19.26% xp at 115. If DB throws in xp bonus with the launch of ToL that will be a nice start. Just some food for thought.
Ok, so! Update to the situation and the question. At this point, the whole group is pretty much fully T1 ToV, the tank is now in T1 CoV visibles (and a good bit on the other toons). Tank has 317k HP and 6700 AC buffed. Right now I'm seeing my DPS regularly do ~100k DPS capping out at 500k on good burns.

So, now the questions:

1. The SK: He feels like he could still be kinda squishy, but he can also tank T1 CoV mobs (mostly, when he can't the BST warder covers pretty well) successfully even when the team is out of burns and he has to stand there for a long time. I feel like he should still be tankier though. Dying sometimes and at least getting knocked unconscious almost every time at least once doesn't seem like a good place to be. Do I just need to keep farming AC augs and AAs, I'm guessing yes. You mentioned the AA cap being like 58k, me being at almost 30k now, how many should i grind?

2. The DPS: So, at this point, I'm kinda starting to worry that the tank isn't the only problem, and that if I get my DPS higher, maybe it can cover for some of his shortcomings instead of the other way around I feel I've been looking at this. Most of the DPS have been on 100% EXP this whole time, the tank is at ~60% into 113 and the DPS is all ~50% into 114, is it time to farm AAs on them? Like I said in an earlier reply in here, my dudes were doing 250k, now ~500k while I'm seeing Sic's do like 1.2 mil lol, what can i do to get them up the fastest at this point? I think the answer here is focus AAs, but that's just my guess with what I've been given, that that'll be a big part, but is it just AAs in general, and, if that's the case.... question 3

3. AAs vs EXP: Halp lol.... I'm literally sitting infront of the wurm cave inside Restless Assault right now with lesson ready to be popped. Is this what I should be doing at this point? Do I pop it and grind XP to try to push my toons to 115 since I can't seem to get the other 2 missions down? Or do I pop it to get AAs to make it easy/possible to get the other 2 missions down? My thinking is that my tank will get a lot tankier and my DPS will hit harder with higher level spells, but really what's the most efficient?

Well, I think I'm gonna do one run of these caves (first time but i hear they're good XP) for AAs right now I think since I know I'm pretty far behind having only autogrants, but yeah, appreciate the thoughts ahead of time.


Stat update, now what?
EXP or AAs? for how long?
1. augs - i suspect you don't have "more or less around the content you're doing" of tank augs type 7s for AC, and type 5s for hdex

2. hdex for anyone punching kicking stabbing slicing dicing etc. mine do more than 1.2 each :)

3. same as the augs / gear thing - you really want "more or less around the content you're doing" of lvls AND aas AND gear AND Augs. you can't roll into cov missions with eok autogrant AAs and expect to win, especially when it comes to focus AAs (they're not linear, they are tier'd first)
I actually have a pretty decent number of type 7s now.. type 5s, not so much and def not every slot and the ones i have, some are T2 EOK.

LOL I just go by the videos to try to use to see if i can compare with your toons without seeing a profile or anything like that. So i look at HP/AC and DPS numbers to see "ok, does it make sense I can't do this yet?" (so far I'm still far behind your vids from a year ago :P)

There we go.. that's a great way to put it, I gotta get all aspects up to what I'm trying to do. I'm at ToV/CoV levels (EXP) and kinda gear but not AAs/Augs. So when I start seeing my AAs saying ToV/CoV next to them, then I know i have enough. Awesome! Goals! :D Will report back as that goes on :P
Question - Where can I find good, up to date, concise guides?

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