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Which Character... (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 13, 2005
...should I create?
I know we have covered this before for other people, but here we go for me. Each character I am listing is on a different account, but I'm looking to put one more character into my group. Here is what I have so far. 70/1300+ shammy, 70/800+ cleric, 70/200+ pally, 70/100+ necro, 63/? bard. I also have a 66 wizzy, and 59 ranger. I dont know if I should continue leveling my ranger (since i have put so much cash into it lol) or if there is another character that would be benefiicial to my group. any feedback would be helpful. thanks. :p
Hmm tough choices. You need more DPS in your group so the Wizard would be helpful and it would give you extra portage, however, you don't have an enchanter so you would need to keep refreshing mana buffs via potions if you do afk scripts. I would probably go with the wizard for the extra dps over the ranger since you've already almost leveled it to 70.

My current group is a Shadowknight, Cleric, Enchanter, Bard, Beastlord and I'm about to roll up a mage since I need more DPS and my group is pet heavy I'll get extra dps out of pet equipment and weapons. Pet Affinity + Song of the Storm is nice.
okay, thanks Gildon. I will leave this open for a couple more days before i have creed or red delete it, just so i can get some more input. thanks
Bah your group is caster and pansy heavy enough as is. You have a bard for mana regen if needed, if you can well gear a monk or rogue and aa them out, your melee dps will quadrouplicate. Yes, yes it will. Plus a monk you can use for trickier pull splits....more of a minor factor there since a good necro can do a majority of that.
okay, there are rogue macro's out there *i think* that would let me command my rogue from the group right? I think that might be the way to go, if you are indeed correct Mochila.
Anyone out there have group macros for the characters listed in my initial post? I dont need them afk, triggered is fine. That way I can trigger them when the bard brings the mob in. Figure I would ask before searching here, and diving into the pit we call mq2.com lol.
Yeah, a rogue would help your DPS quite a bit, but you've already got your main DPS bitch with the necro... Just have to learn how to FD at the right times and get the right AAs and focci, and the necro will pump out 28k+ damage in a single round of dots.

A rogue would be a great compliment to what you already have, tho.

ss44 said:
Anyone out there have group macros for the characters listed in my initial post? I dont need them afk, triggered is fine. That way I can trigger them when the bard brings the mob in. Figure I would ask before searching here, and diving into the pit we call mq2.com lol.

I would highly suggest using Autobot from the VIP section of MQ2. It's really useful for botting a group. Works with all classes, casters, melee, and bards too.
Autobot is the same as Raiddruid. If you have troubles with it, let me know and I might be able to help you out, I've been running my group on Autobot for several releases.
A berserker might suit you well.

Their DPS is phenominal. (as its just under a rogue's output)

They have plenty of utility. (instant cast snare/stun)

They can offtank when needed.

They're easy enough to automate. (See my Berserker bot macro)

They're different! (The world has enough Monks!)
lol, that is true Moon. But at the same time, just like a rogue, im not sure about having a full melee class. im thinking i will just look around for macros, and whichever seems the best, thats the class i will use :p I liked your berserker macro enough to give you a red cent for it :) so I might look into that. does it work for berzerkers of all levels, or would i have to comment things out?
You would have to comment out the /disc Rage Volley until your zerker got to level 61 and purchased that particular DoN ability.

Thank you much for the Red Cent! :-)
Lol, np. I keep giving them out, but am getting none in return. Guess I need to bust my ass and get to writing some AFK macro's :p
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