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Problem - White kissassist.mac@749 spamming my MQ box (1 Viewer)

i typed in /debug 0 and /debug 1 then it starts spamming yellow messages... with it on.

- - - Updated - - -

also im trying to get this to work, to pull mobs out from behind me...

i dont know what command to use to select an xtarget...

unbridled strike of fear 2nd mob
holyshit7=/if (${me.xtarget}>1 && if not facing it) /alt activate 771 (on the mob that is behind me)
white text in the window will tell you the line of the macro that is giving the issue, white color means non fatal error, red is a major error. i will look once i get home at line 749 see what its doing, but my guess is gonna be a issue with your kiss ini.
Are you using EQBC???
if so, is the in the Kissassist ini file under the "General" area, is?
If so, make EQBCOn=0

If using EQBC and this is turned on in KA, it will post what each character is doing when they do it in all MQ2 chat windows of all toons in that chat channel..
The spam went away with the removal of my bad code lol, these holyshits are causing probs. The last one started the spam, but i think it was all of them that were messed up hehe, but my guy does stand back up after FD if only one guy is around.

//holyshit7=/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 50 zradius 10]}>1 && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[822]} && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[749]}&& ${Me.AltAbilityReady[731]} && ${Melee.AggroMode}) /alt activate 749

checks to see if i pulled more than one xtarget, and uses hates attraction to seperate one mob (hates attraction = 9400)
holyshit2=/if (${me.Xtarget}>1 && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 100 zradius 20]}<1 && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[9400]}) /alt activate 9400

checks to see if HA worked, and FD (FD is Death Effegy = 7756)
holyshit3=/if (${me.Xtarget}>1 && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[9400]} && ${SpawnCount[npc radius 30 zradius 20]}<2 && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[7756]} && ${me.Xtarget}>1) /alt activate 7756

stand back up after ha/fd
downshit0=/if (${SpawnCount[npc radius 100 zradius 10]}<2 && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[7756]} && !${Me.AltAbilityReady[9400]}) /stand

if i pull more than one mob, it starts VoD (9403)and Hits Epic
holyshit4=/if (${spawncount[npc radius 35 zradius 10]}>1 && ${me.altabilityready[visage of death]}) /alt activate 9403

hit epic if i pull more than one mob
//holyshit5=/if (${spawncount[npc radius 30 zradius 10]}>1 && ${cast.ready[innnaruuk's dark blessing]}) /casting "innnaruuk's dark blessing"|item

makes me use thought leech when im low on mana
//holyshit6=/if (${Me.PctMana<35} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[651]}) /alt activate 651

This one below, i dont know how to write,

unbridled strike of fear 2nd mob
//holyshit7=/if (${me.xtarget}>1 && if not facing it) /alt activate 771 (on the mob that is behind me)
Problem - White kissassist.mac@749 spamming my MQ box

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