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Question - Who gets the Ancient Cloak of Flames? (1 Viewer)



I just stumbled on an Ancient Cloak of Flames and I'm not sure who would benefit the most from it.

100 ZRK
100 ROG
100 SK
100 RNG
95 WAR

The ZRK, ROG and RNG could use the extra DPS.
It might be wasted on the SK and possibly on the WAR.
Would it help the WAR to hold aggro?
I know it would pump up his ego seeing those extra damage points. But.. is it worth it?

What do you think?
If it was me i would put it where the stats AC hp are most needed, So the tank!!! but if you have better an going for the clicky i would say Zerker! They are the best dps
Question - Who gets the Ancient Cloak of Flames?

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