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wondering (1 Viewer)


May 16, 2009
Hi guys,

some of you know the FC raid instance AA farming trick with SK.

I was wondering if this could work now with decently geared UF SK. Was raid geared SK required before, but the difference between UF group gear and SoD raid gear is not that much anymore.

I also heard it still doable after MC nerf. Anyone tried it lately?

it is still doable, i went from 80 to 85 in about 6 hours there in 1 night, actually, the same night i started playing EQ again LOL. SK friend showed me, it goes even faster with 2 SKs, the hard part is having a SK be able to request the raid
ah so it's another need all progression to be done until get the raid with wtfpwn exploits.

fuck this, every single fun and uber thing in EQ is for raiders...gah

I gotta bribe some SKs on my server then
well, this was complete bullshit.

had SK killing hordes of zombies. my both toons under 1k AA. it was like 1 AA in 5 mins, maybe 2. so its 6-12 AAs a hour. at lvl 85

very low rate. even when it was hotzone, wouldnt be much of an exp. 600 AAs in 8-10 hours is bullshit.

this makes me sad little panda. next wtfpwn exp spot pls?
i was making a AA in about 45 seconds when i was there with my 2 sk friends... with vet aa exp on.. with it off, was about 2 min per aa

and then again, i wouldnt complain, if you havent done the newer zones yet.. them fuckers are hard to kill, hit like trucks, so unless you go back to old world stuff and find a sweet spot, thats gonna be the shit for awhile

forgot to mention, on AA, its a HUGE decrease in exp from 84 to 85, so un ding down to 84, and see how much it is then, i think its something like 12% per kill at 84

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