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Working MQ2RWarp.dll (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 7, 2008
I was curious if others are interested in or have a warping plugin to this date. I recently came back to EQ and of course downloaded the latest MQ2 and was unable to locate any information related to a working Warp since the last time I left EQ (over a year ago). So I started working on getting my old MQ2RWarp plugin updated as I did in the past for other users along with my old forum (which is no longer up apparently).

After testing with success I am able to warp within the zone and use my old WayPoint.ini file for quick locations. I have yet to test the old /fade and /gate functions in it.

Please let me know if anyone happens to be interested in this as I am willing to post the source/compiled plugin for others. Also was curious if this would be possibly a post worthy of Level 2 status?

Fixing warp wasn't the hard part, you just update some stuff where the structures in EQData have changed and find the new MLPTSC function. But you will get suspended/banned now because warp needs a safety function that I'm sure you did not add. Also working warp/zone are both in Level 2.
I never said it was hard to update it, I mentioned how rare it seemed to have it updated in the past along with not finding any sites that provided a working warp plugin to date. With that knowledge, I decided to try and contribute to the community with what I can offer.

Also I did read some on the reason the warp stopped being updated was due to Sony checking for that particular plugin but I do not care. As stated, I just came back so do not mind possibly losing anything as before when I started using MQ2 and high end characters at risk. If anyone is afraid to lose their account(s) because of warping, then they shouldn't use MQ2 because it can possibly have the same fate and their characters have some value to them personally.

With that said, it is good to know a working warp is in Level 2 for the users here. I will just wait it out and see what happens on my end being I have used it since the last patch without any issue.

There's only so many MQ2 sites out anymore (ocG, MMO, NA, zzeq, mmoplugins, CP). They all have a working warp ;) Anyway even if you don't have safety method I'm sure the worst you'll get is a slap on the wrist. By the way you said you just came back to EQ? If you're interested in getting a full set of raid gear, check your PM's.
i just come back from a long breack too like a year and 1/2 and i found warp working fine fyi dont use it that offen but yes it works fine and had np finding it
Howdy guys,
Just came back from a ~3 year break.
Went to download MQ2 upon returning and found your site.
Seems like where everyone is posting about returning, so I thought i'd join in here.

Seems like an awesome community so I'd be happy if you would let me stick around.

But back on topic : I haven't been able to find a MQ2Warp.dll either... =/
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I don't believe there are ANY free warp/zone plugins. You'll need to pay for access to Level 2 on this site or another site that has it. I play on Prexus as well, but I really wouldn't give out your in game name on a cheating site ;)
Howdy guys,
Just came back from a ~3 year break.
Went to download MQ2 upon returning and found your site.
Seems like where everyone is posting about returning, so I thought i'd join in here.

Seems like an awesome community so I'd be happy if you would let me stick around.

But back on topic : I haven't been able to find a MQ2Warp.dll either... =/

Sorry it isnt :( It is dead :( WE ARE ALL ZOMBIIIZ
Working MQ2RWarp.dll

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