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Working version of MQ2? anyone have one yet (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 9, 2005
Still Looking for a working version of MQ2 cant get mine to run (due to patches).
/like to send a big FU out to Sony
Expect MQ to be down longer than normal this time around. Its super broke. Not only have offsets changed but structs. Structs are the harder part of MQ to fix. Offsets can be up and running within hours of a release structs take far longer to find. Right now with the new expansion almost ALL of MQ's structs are broken. So it will be some time before a working version is running. My adivce is load up some pron or your favorite FPS and frag some folks for mild entertainment. Remember teabaggin is not only a skill but an art form.
Well...he's just saying what we all are thinking.

I mean...I'm a VIP there, so I PAY for their support. And thus far, this time...their support has been abismal.

No updates with ETA's, no nothing.

NOt too pleased.

I won't be donating their again
letmein said:
Well...he's just saying what we all are thinking.

I mean...I'm a VIP there, so I PAY for their support. And thus far, this time...their support has been abismal.

No updates with ETA's, no nothing.

NOt too pleased.

I won't be donating their again

u know thats fine dont donate to the people that work hard to keep a free ware going. Hell People do have lifes ya know...Jesus its not like it takes 5 min to go and find the struct changes like it does with the offsets. Bottom line everyone that complains about how long its taken obviously dont understand what it takes to fix MQ2.
So plz before u post "WTF are the MQ2 Devs doing dont they know I want my free program right now" Think about how selfish that is....
It is going to take those devs hours literally LONG hours to fix MQ this time around. It isn't their job, they hardly make a living from doing it either. You aren't buying software when you donate that has a guarentee or anything like that. THEY ARE NOT THERE TO SERVICE YOU. People who donate do so because the APPRECIATE the hard work the Devs put into keeping MQ alive on a patch by patch basis. Frankly if they ever decided to quit the project would no doubt faulter the first time a patch like this rolled around just due to the fact of how extremely complicated the process is to fix what they need to fix. Very few are able to fix MQ this time around and bitching at those who do know how to do it is just being an ass. This isn't meant to be a flame but yea that statement was really plain ignorent.
letmein said:
Well...he's just saying what we all are thinking.

I mean...I'm a VIP there, so I PAY for their support. And thus far, this time...their support has been abismal.

No updates with ETA's, no nothing.

NOt too pleased.

I won't be donating their again

Maybe instead of donating money, you could donate some programming time, I'm sure it won't take that much of your time at all.

Ted said:
It is going to take those devs hours literally LONG hours to fix MQ this time around. It isn't their job, they hardly make a living from doing it either. You aren't buying software when you donate that has a guarentee or anything like that. THEY ARE NOT THERE TO SERVICE YOU. People who donate do so because the APPRECIATE the hard work the Devs put into keeping MQ alive on a patch by patch basis. Frankly if they ever decided to quit the project would no doubt faulter the first time a patch like this rolled around just due to the fact of how extremely complicated the process is to fix what they need to fix. Very few are able to fix MQ this time around and bitching at those who do know how to do it is just being an ass. This isn't meant to be a flame but yea that statement was really plain ignorent.

Very well put Ted. And for the people truely "being an ass" this goes in one ear and out the other. Help keep those types off this site all.
Yeah...not being ungrateful...point is, they could at least post eta's or just general communication to the people who are giving them their money.

This isn't coming from an ignorant jerkoff. I know what it's like to be under pressure of getting a job done. I also understand the value of communication. You would never see posts like the one from MQ2 if one of the dev's posted.."Hey guys working hard on this, alot of messed up stuff this time around, hoping to have this working again by next weekend."

Tig and D'oh do a great job of staying close to the community members that give them money for this awesome program. They understand "customer value". That's why you never see posts like that here.

And whether you like it or not, call it donating or buying software, the vip's at least ARE MQ2 customers. They deserve at least a post update from a DEV.

If I had the knowledge of MQ2 (i.e if I wrote it) you can bet everyone would be using it by now.
Not getting involved in this, same topic creeps up everytime there is a Major update that takes several patches.

Just wanted to state this for the record. This is a private community that people pay to be in. NO FLAMES NO FLAMES NO FLAMES

If someone wants to ask a question in a civilized manor reguardless of how many times its been asked thats thier right. IF you feel you know trhe answer post it or direct them to the answer.

However if all you have is flames then dont post, ignore the question. THere are people here that will gladly help the new people out. IF you come here and say go away noob then your the one I would question about. That kind of attitude belongs on the MQ forums not here.

Have a nice day :D
soultaker said:
However if all you have is flames then dont post, ignore the question. THere are people here that will gladly help the new people out. IF you come here and say go away noob then your the one I would question about. That kind of attitude belongs on the MQ forums not here.

Have a nice day :D

hmmmm, sounds like a "flame" at smoke :confused:
I posted the link to that mq2 thread for a laugh.
I think I'm just going to keep my posting to a bare minimum from now on. It seems that every time I post anything, someone gets bent out of shape over it.
I was just trying to share something I found amusing. How some script kidies, that don't understand how much work is involved in finding / fixing structs can be.

It was just ment for a laugh, not to instigate the start of flame fest 2005.

sorry, I'll be more quiet in the future.

' . '
Working version of MQ2? anyone have one yet

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