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Question - Write to an INI in a higher up directory? (1 Viewer)

Dec 31, 2005
I was messing with something and came to the idea but I don't think it can be done in a macro. Is there a way to read and write to an .ini file in a directory higher up than the macro folder like say the root MQ2 folder etc?
/declare IniFileName string outer ..\filename.ini

That should do it. When using /ini and ${Ini[]} commands.

Thanks CT, I'll have to try this. I have a neat little idea if this pans out. Will share soon as I confirm it works. Essentially already wrote the macro while at work. LOL

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Another question that seems to be escaping me... isn't there a way to echo back what server you're currently on?

Looking to assign the current server to a variable in this thing I'm doing.

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Well never mind... this isn't going to work after all to do what I was trying. Everyone disregard. Thanks!
Question - Write to an INI in a higher up directory?

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