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XP bug (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 14, 2005
I was tooling around with some of my characters the other day and decided I needed regular xp as well as aa. So my bard kills a few at 100% AA then goes to 50/50. After a few kills I realize I am getting roughly .606% reg and 8-9%AA at level 67 in vxed. So I play with it quite a lot and see that I was getting 8-9% AA at 100% AA. I tested this with 50/50 and 100 alot and came to the conclusion that if you zone and stay at 50/50 you really get an even split on xp. However if you go 100% for a kill then 50/50 you seem to get 100% xp for both regular and AA. Hope someone can test this out maybe more scientifically then I can and see if thats true or now.

Run down: get to zone...kill 1 at 100% AA xp...then swap to 50/50 (if you zone you have to restart at 100%)

I still get it to work but its spotty. I would get 9%aa a kill at 100% then swap to 50/50 and get 9%aa and .6% regular...It gave me that xp for 6 kills then was back to 4.5% and .3% It seems if you click your % bar changer fast enough it flashes back and forth as you click. When you get it to 50% its flashing 60% 50% 60% etc. At least on my machine it does. Thats when i get the bug to work.

XP bug

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