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Discussion - Yet another group comp opinion thread (1 Viewer)

Apr 7, 2024
So I know the answers are: play whatever's the most fun, or the game is easy most anything works. But I'm still curious to get peoples' opinions on how I might set up my groups with the characters I have (or close).

I have 12 different classes all mid 80s:
shd, pal, cle, shm, dru, brd, enc, mag, nec, bst, mnk, rng

I'd like to make 2 regular groups out of these classes which are around the same power level for doing typical group content. Currently I have them like this:
1. shd, shm, cle, brd, mnk, rng
2. pal, dru, enc, bst, mag, nec

This setup feels ok, neither group min maxed but they're kind of comparable in power. Looking for opinions on:
1. If you had to use these 12 characters specifically, how would you balance them into two similarly powered groups.
2. If you could switch out 1 or 2 characters for other classes, what would they be and what would the final groups look like?

The cleric kind of feels like the weak link to me, not without value but the shaman is usually capable enough to heal and I have 4 other rezzers. The dru was my early choice to sub out but it's proven to do pretty well in the caster group and I really appreciate the ports. My typical thoughts for a replacement would be a 2nd bst (i love this class), 2nd bard, 2nd mage, or a wiz (though ideally he'd be in a separate group from the dru and that might be tricky). I know ber is probably a sensible choice but I tend to shy away from pure phys dps (on that note the rng is probably a weak link but I have a soft spot for him).
No one else will agree with me but:

Rng, enc, bst, healer merc, tank merc, dps merc.

Those are the only classes that interest me in the game anymore. The others are just blah.
I would put the cleric into group two, make the druid DPS, instead of healer. Then move the beastlord into group one.

Group 1: sk, shm, bst, mnk, rng, brd.
Group 2: pal, clr, dru, mag, nec, enc.
I will never understand posts like this. "Tell me what is fun for me!". Seriously, pick classes and go play. That's it. If that isn't fun, try again. It's actually part of what playing this game is about.

I mean, you are basically asking people here to pick your groups for you. And if it isn't fun for you...same difference if you tried for yourself in the first place? Opinions for how the game plays for people, is just that. An opinion. As the saying goes, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one".

Food for thought....Create your own path to enjoyment no matter what that looks like. You will be happier that way. Stop trying to play the game as efficiently as possible, and play the game because all parts of it are fun. :shrug:
+1 dru Dps. With ench clarity and nec mana taps, an evocation Druid, especially over 110, pumps out staggering DoT numbers.
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I will never understand posts like this. "Tell me what is fun for me!". Seriously, pick classes and go play. That's it. If that isn't fun, try again. It's actually part of what playing this game is about.

I mean, you are basically asking people here to pick your groups for you. And if it isn't fun for you...same difference if you tried for yourself in the first place? Opinions for how the game plays for people, is just that. An opinion. As the saying goes, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one".

Food for thought....Create your own path to enjoyment no matter what that looks like. You will be happier that way. Stop trying to play the game as efficiently as possible, and play the game because all parts of it are fun. :shrug:

I prefaced this post acknowledging this point specifically to avoid this type of condescending response.

I am having fun, thanks. And it's also fun for me to discuss the game with others to see how they think about things.
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Discussion - Yet another group comp opinion thread

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