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yet another one... (1 Viewer)

its bullshit is what it is. why do they decide to patch every time i go to play? BAH! on my day off :(
shit, and a new .exe of course =\ this sucks, i have a week off and they decide to patch 3 times, bulll shit =\
I have to agree...this is perhaps the most annoying thing in a LONG time. Wonder if it's gonna be a regular thing as a means to cut down MQ usage?
all servers up. starting to hate SoE...

apparently what was added is SoEs version of EQrankings and magelo... so pretty much theyre so fucking pathetic they see magelo making some money ( not a lot , but some ) and they start charging 3 dollars a month or some crap to do this. i bet they added some shit in their EULA against magelo or some crap.
Servers were only down an hour and 45 mins...and by looking at the changes they made...it would seem that MQ will be up very soon.
Actully the EQplayers thing was part of EQ2 from the get go. They are just adding it to EQ1. Yes and it's a new eqgame.exe Love it when they lie lol. Said it was for server maintainece but sneak in a patch anyhow. Maintainece to me means hardware updates patches means software updates.
Why pay more for EQPlayers when EQrankings, Magelo, etc... already do a great job... SoE gets enough money from me... F em!
OMG... they annonced an emergency patch just now and took servers down within 10min.. WTF? I swear class legal action could be taken against SoE for a refund of time lost that everyone paid for... 4days of down time in one month is like a $2 or $3 refund to EVERY EQ account. People paid for 30days of play time.. they should have access to 30days of play time.... Curious to see what this emergency patch is about... Is there some "dupe a billion plat" hack out that we dont know about? lol
yet another one...

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