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Guide - Your halfling can't look over the grass or reach the banker. /autosize to the rescue (1 Viewer)

If you can't see over something and can't initiate an action with it - a CLIENT side only change isn't going to fix that.

Example, if you're a gnome or a halfling and a hill is blocking your site, resizing your character (client side) won't let you cast on the enemy because you'll still be the same height on the server. Same goes for an NPC out of your line of sight. If you're too short to make the line of sight connection to them (server side) it won't let the command go through.

Correct? If I'm wrong this would be extremely useful for my halflings/gnomes when it comes to pulling. Small bumps/humps block their LoS constantly when trying to cast on a mob.

If I am correct, am I missing the point entirely to this? I could picture this being useful for people who only play first person and that's about it if this is a client side thingy.
If you can't see over something and can't initiate an action with it - a CLIENT side only change isn't going to fix that.

Example, if you're a gnome or a halfling and a hill is blocking your site, resizing your character (client side) won't let you cast on the enemy because you'll still be the same height on the server. Same goes for an NPC out of your line of sight. If you're too short to make the line of sight connection to them (server side) it won't let the command go through.

Correct? If I'm wrong this would be extremely useful for my halflings/gnomes when it comes to pulling. Small bumps/humps block their LoS constantly when trying to cast on a mob.

If I am correct, am I missing the point entirely to this? I could picture this being useful for people who only play first person and that's about it if this is a client side thingy.

I went and did a little test with a banker. With autosize off I run my gnome very close to the desk so that I couldn't see the banker and ofc I was unable to target and interact with him. Then I activated autosize and grew myself and was able to target and interact with him.
Guide - Your halfling can't look over the grass or reach the banker. /autosize to the rescue

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