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Question - Zone Short Name Wiki (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jan 15, 2020
I have been running through old zones lately and noticed that zone short names have changed. I have tried to edit the wiki page and things have gone to review. Not sure how long review takes, but I would be happy to help keep that page up to date if possible.
I have been running through old zones lately and noticed that zone short names have changed. I have tried to edit the wiki page and things have gone to review. Not sure how long review takes, but I would be happy to help keep that page up to date if possible.
Submitting updates is the best way to do that for sure.

I'll take a look in the morning. Also keep in mind, it is more complicated than just that, because those zones are actually different versions of them, which may or may not exist in other capacity (like emu), so just buying them isn't always great
Question - Zone Short Name Wiki

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