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Guide - MacroQuest2 CFG files, and how to use them to your advantage! (1 Viewer)

Sep 12, 2004
Not going to rewrite the book written by the master .... but I felt that this important information needs to be exposed to the users of the community whom might not be aware of it.

"CFG files are files which contain commands to be run at certain times. The file must contain commands the same as you would use them normally. Each command will be executed in order, however there are NO macro blocks, events, etc, in a CFG file."

Follow this link to the MQ2 Wiki site .. and learn all the wonders you can do with specific CFG files.

I personally use them often for advanced tasks when Zoning... or when loading specific plugins I do not always maintain.

MQ2 CFG Documentation
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Guide - MacroQuest2 CFG files, and how to use them to your advantage!

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