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EQ live progression servers (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 28, 2011
I see fippy is now at the LoY expansion launch, which means its getting pretty close to my favorite expansion in all EQ history, Gates of Discord. I quit before kunark came out playing a 50 ranger, cleric, and wizard box. i met a few friends along the road that no longer play unfortunately. I was considering playing again so i might possibly be up to par when GoD eventually does get released, i have a few things to consider though i thought some of you might could answer.

1. Is vulak still a server on its own or did they finally merge the two? If its still there, what expansion is it up to? How is the population / player base?

2. Ive read alot about recent bannings due to MQ use, though my abilitys were limited, i mainly just used it for the map / warping / zoning occasionally. So should i even risk using MQ anymore?
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The population is mediocre, the bazaar has had prices driven down, and at lower levels there is not much left available for grouping. Currently awaiting the launch of Planes of Power in 2 weeks I think, but there are a few people still playing like myself. If you are going to join up, I was thinking about leveling an SK up so I can box a group, let me know.
EQ live progression servers

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