ya im using one of the KA files. i had to go thru it every single line and fix it. there were spelling mistakes and rk 1/2 mistakes etc. priorities weren't in sync with what i was trying to do. turned off burn name for example. adjusted some of the settings to prioritize the healing more and the dots less. Its honestly a work in progress that i still look at from time to time but im not doing anything difficult. Im still doing ToL content. If you are using KA ini file, jus take some time. go thru each panel and make sure it's what u want. Even at 75% it's still really good. I've heard the plug-in shaman is unbelievable and wish i could try it out. cpl friends have it and they swear by it
> im still trying to get it so it malo/slow on incoming. for some reason it doesnt always do this. I have taken over manually on pulls that were lazy sk pulls. using the ae malo/slow lines as mobs get to camp. The ability is obviously there. its just fine tuning. I am quite happy with it already tho, I havce had for exmaple one of the names in ME plus 5 adds and managed to get thru it relatively unscathed with shaman healing. ( yes, i burned shield flash etc heh to buy myself a few seconds to get them malo'd and slowed and mezzed.
The files here are great but sometimes small things need to be fixed. ( i have even caught Sic with some spelling mistakes heh and his files are ridonkulous) I use Edsarto for example on my sk. cpl tweeks since i don't have half the stuff he has in my clicky sets etc. You can't go wrong with his or Sic's files. there are a few others ive tried and like as well. I actually use a lv 120 file on a cpl lower level toons lol. I went thru and just changed the spells/abilities to what was current for them, they still work great.
Guess all I'm really saying is, the files are great but you really have to go through them and set them to what your character has and make sure there are no spelling mistakes, or ability tag mistakes like in the aa panel... when it gives u say 9104... and its 9105.. it wont fire, u need to manually look that up and put in right # (check aa for the proper lv # of the aa) and keep in mind just because the author of the file has this clicky or that clicky, or this Rk.II u might not. Just because the author has dps set high prioroity on his healer, u might not want that. look through, lower the % of the dps lines engagement. and raise the % for the healing or the debuff or the slow etc.
Anyway best of luck
like i said, i still look at stuff pretty much every day as i find little whoopsies to adjust