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115 Mage CoV for KA 12 (single mage in grp)

115 Mage CoV for KA 12 (single mage in grp)

I was not expecting KA 12 to be out already, but I scrambled to do some testing. I apologize for the back to back update as a result.

1. All references to the clicky robe names now changed to use the more modern format so people don't have to keep editing the ini for it (still need to name your pet earring though)
2. I was stupid and didn't realized I left Elemental Form in for such a long time. It's been removed
3. I no longer am doing a conditional check for SK's Torrent of Anguish. You can just simply block the buff off your pet instead which I feel is a better long-term solution.
4. I changed assist and malo from 100 to 99 instead.


I'm pretty surprised at how neat and compact this ini turned out. However, I really wanted to try putting weaves back in but they still don't work optimally for a mage KA. I then tried using conditionals instead and altering DPSOn and DPSInterval settings but even that made me parse lower just to get them to work properly (the ini would run slower). Thus, my INI here remains similar overall to what it was before. I spent a lot of time killing the same level/type mobs over and over in a CoV zone with parses running to try and convince myself otherwise, and it didn't happen.
I didn't see anything glaringly major to update here except changing the dissident spell to composite (CoV) spell instead.

Please let me know if there are any issues
I believe this will probably be the final update to this ini until KA12 comes out. I removed all weaves altogether. I find they actually don't add anything further if you're the only mage and only pet class in group. I renamed the ini as such as well to not confuse anyone. And I re-added back the conditional for Twincasts, so all other conditional numbers changed. If you want to keep it the way it was with Force of Elements than don't bother with this update then.

I conducted a lot of testing and parsing to make this determination. If you're the only mage and pet class, you'll be mostly running the RS->Chaotic->Spear->Spear rotation. Given the fact KA seems to cast a half a second slower. This ini is geared towards being a single mage in a group.

Also, someone told me they weren't casting Twincast (the spell), and the reason is that Twincast (spell) must have the specified rank included in the DPS section in order for it to cast it. I included notes in the ini further about this.
Since I removed fire orb weaves as they don't work correctly for the time being, I made a small update.
I made a big update to the DPS section. I hated how KA weaves worked on my mage for such a long time. After further tinkering, I dropped fire orb since sometimes it was not weaving correctly and eating up much needed procs meant for my DD spells. I am doing on average 300k without burns with my DPS section adjustment. Before the update i was hovering at a little over 200ish pre-burn. Since I continuously pull trash and farm names in the process, i save the burns for named.