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Quest / Event Anniversary Tower Missions: Full Automation 1.16

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🏢 Live
Runs a group through one or more Anniversary Tower missions.

  • At this time, all group members should already be in Anniversary Tower before quests are initiated.
  • Quests will initiate with key, if in inventory, else from Artificer on 1st floor.
  • Zones with slippery areas will work but be a bit messy
  • Script may be stopped/restarted at most any moment, including mid-mission. If in a mission, will need [Run] button re-clicked for the active task to pick up current state


Due to mechanisms used by EQ, Mission Status is not always updated in a timely fashion (at this time). Manually click 'Refresh' button at any time to update current states.

Clicking [Run] next to a mission will execute that mission including:
  • Running (with group) to appropriate door
  • Entering zone
  • Executing Mission to completion
  • If successful, exiting mission through door
  • Dropping Task
If one or more missions have the check-box checked, will execute them sequentially from first to last, following same rules as with individual [Run]

Shortcut buttons to select or deselect all available quests.

  • If requesting character is on floor 7 or higher, will run up to top of tower and port back to level 1 (Will become valuable as final 6 floors are opened)
  • 1720198542214.png
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  • 1720198687069.png
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First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Works great. Thanks!
This is amazing <3 Very fast and reliable. the UI is clean and organized well.