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Quest / Event Anniversary Tower Missions: Full Automation 1.16

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  • Ensures task is complete before walking away
    • This happens when the last step has a iteration not handled by the code
      • e.g. Oasis of Frost can end with need to kill Basil or Paglan. Only one was set up.
    • Script will report if this occurs- and hold until resolved automatically or manually
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  • Improved logic to ensure Achievement awarded before moving on
    • Should actually watch for achievement awarding before moving on
  • Noticed a new timing issue getting achievement.
    • Bumped delay for this quick fix
    • Will add smarter logic to wait for actual achievement when time
  • Added support for Key of Fire and Mission of Fire
  • Added limited porting ability (for now)
    • At completion of the last key quest of a set, if checked will use either Zurica or Northern Desert Outlook Device to port back to North Ro
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    • At start of each key quest, if checked - will use Gate AA to get back central before navigating to next.
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    • More capabilities will be added in the near future.
  • Corrected a few issues if running missions while truly solo (no merc, even)
  • Added delays before dropping task
    • Thanks again, @burdsjm
    • Addresses timing issue not awarding achievements
  • Removed special movement code in response to improved Nro/Everfrost meshes
  • Updated Key of Frost movement in Everfrost
    • Most issues around getting in, around, and out of ice hole should be identified
    • If script can't do something, it'll beep twice and display text e.g. "Cannot get out of ice"
      • In this case, just move the character where required and script should auto-continue
Note: Problems with Picks
Been having lots of issues with the group zoning OUT of missions into different picks.
The script theoretically could continue - but I haven't gotten /dquery or other mechanisms to identify this working yet.
Will continue to address. Until then, just /pick the offending character(s)
  • Key of Frost: Classes with a summoned pet will not need to go into the Fishing Hole in Everfrost
  • Navigation in SW corner of Everfrost hacked a little until navmesh is improved
    • Character still can't get OUT of the SW corner, but quest should now be completed successfully
  • Corrected invalid zone name: "anniversarytower"
  • Added missions for all key quests
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  • Can run all back-to-back and MOSTLY will do them all.
  • Handles swapping to top-level containers automatically
  • Missions:
    • Repaired Key Of Frost: Has issues getting into/out of Ice Hole and to far SW corner. Will need help at those points. This one still a bit of a mess.
  • Navigation Issues:
    • Some navmesh issues to resolve or code round. Haven't done yet.
    • /travelto from tower to South Ro will loop back into tower. Need to pause and manually scoot
    • /travelto from South Ro to tower will get hung up on teleport pad. Need to manually scoot
    • The most recent /travelto is tracked via a button. If that travel is ever interrupted (or due to needing manual intervention), the button can be pressed to "get back to traveling"
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  • Quick fix to break on group not engaging after zoning into missions
  • Oasis of the Jungle fully functional
    • Group attacks the barrels by default
    • Optional to instead move to a corner and wait for them to self-destruct. This takes 1 minute per barrel - so 3 minutes total
      • Option at bottom of main Missions page
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Unrelated information on the mission if you ever have to run this manually
Barrels have the same names and positions and unlock in the same order every time:
  1. an_explosive_barrel00 - West corner
  2. an_explosive_barrel01 - South corner
  3. an_explosive_barrel02 - East corner
Additionally, there is a visual clue as the currently active barrel is a less brown, more reddish color.

If you choose not to engage, the AE is only 80', so just scoot next to the gorilla or far East corner and you're out of range
  • Group zoning into missions should be much better. (Still more work to do)
  • Clicking [x] in window corner will stop script
  • Missions
    • Forest: Properly handles "crazed arboreans"
    • Sky: More consistent Step 2 (Kill Guardian)
    • Jungle: Final Ape Improved, but still buggy. (Not sure me or EQ)
  • Mission Timers will now more properly show "Replay" over "Request", if exist.
  • Some not-live settings exist in the UI. Will complete or remove
    • "Set Quest Runner"
    • Mission Settings: "Use Levitation"
  • Added Boxr support
    • First time run, if MQ2Boxr loaded, will enable that and disable others
    • Can be manually modified anytime under Settings
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  • Some missions improved script
    • Sands: Better handles Nomad, Skeleton and Croc stages
    • Forests: Improved centurion and skeleton phases
    • Jungle: Still pauses during barrel. Boss a bit better
      • Had issue if boss isn't engaged quick enough, he activates but doesn't trigger the quest step. Have to drop quest. Will work on.
  • Options to run missions unavailable when not in a Tower zone
  • Added Actions to UI
    • Will tweak further but really helps me, and maybe others
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      • [Run] - Same "Run Mission" as previous
      • [Go] - Runs group to that floor
      • [Req.] - Requests that mission
    • [Go to level 1] at top of screen
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      • Runs to level 1