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Quest / Event Anniversary Tower Missions: Full Automation 1.17

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  • Added Boxr support
    • First time run, if MQ2Boxr loaded, will enable that and disable others
    • Can be manually modified anytime under Settings
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  • Some missions improved script
    • Sands: Better handles Nomad, Skeleton and Croc stages
    • Forests: Improved centurion and skeleton phases
    • Jungle: Still pauses during barrel. Boss a bit better
      • Had issue if boss isn't engaged quick enough, he activates but doesn't trigger the quest step. Have to drop quest. Will work on.
  • Options to run missions unavailable when not in a Tower zone
  • Added Actions to UI
    • Will tweak further but really helps me, and maybe others
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      • [Run] - Same "Run Mission" as previous
      • [Go] - Runs group to that floor
      • [Req.] - Requests that mission
    • [Go to level 1] at top of screen
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      • Runs to level 1
  • Added Oasis of the Jungle
    • Middle 3 steps waits for YOU to kill the barrels or wait for them to self-explode
    • This will be updated with a better option
  • Updated Oasis of Forests
    • "Gain the orc centurion's attention" kills bat > drakeling > centurion
  • Tweaked UI to reflect access type; Artificer, Key, or None
    • If key in inventory, it is always used, else Artificer
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Additional Note:
/lua run missions_anniversarytower\tower_travel {Level#, LevelName}
This is the sub-lua used by this script. You can run it directly to run to whatever level you want, for testing or getting around. (Long name, but it's available)

  • /lua run missions_anniversarytower\tower_travel 3
    • Runs to FLOOR 3 (which is mission 2)
  • /lua run missions_anniversarytower\tower_travel frost
    • Runs to floor 5 (which is mission 4, "Oasis of Frost")
  • Uses teleporters to dramatically reduce time to travel up and down the tower
    • Enabled by default, can be disabled in settings
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    • When this is enabled, COTH will not be utilized, even if checked
  • Time to wait before entering missions reduced from 27 to 10 seconds
    • Will retry at 5 second intervals if zone isn't ready yet
  • Test Mode added to test the script's running around without actually requesting mission
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    • This setting isn't saved and must be re-checked on every run of the script
  • Added support for RG Merc bots
    • By default, all types are sent to all group members
    • To reduce spam, visit [Settings] and uncheck boxes of any type you do not use
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  • Improved COTH support
    • If group contains a mage, it will (better) yank the task requestor to the next door
  • Oasis of Forest and Oasis of Frost were tweaked to better complete mission
  • On completion of task but before exiting, script will pause as long as Group Member Corpses exist in the zone.
    • Once all have been rezzed, script will continue (no additional time given for buffing at this time)
  • Improved all missions reliability
    • Still some clunkiness, but all should be able to complete
  • When using Artificer to request, reduced time between missions
    1. Quest requestor runs to Artificer
    2. Rest of group moves to next door
    3. Requestor begins running up to next door
    4. (Optional) Mage COTH's requestor up to door
  • Added optional "Mage COTH Requestor To Door"
    • Under [Settings] tab
  • If no key in inventory, request mission from artificer
    • Group is set to not follow for this part