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Utility AugCheck 1.8

There is now an optional field to search by stat! You can check your augs for AC, HP, or heroic stats. You don't need the 'h'. Just use:

/lua run augcheck <empty|filled|all> <type#> <stat>
Ex: /lua run augcheck filled 9 dex -- Displays status of filled type 9 slots with hDex

Screenshot 2024-02-16 155115.png
Moved the 'No empty Type # slots' message out of a loop and fixed a print typo

Screenshot 2024-02-14 082449.png
  • Filled slots now display links so that you can see what the aug is at a click
  • You can now only check for filled slots (including specific type numbers)
  • Message the user if there aren't any empty slots found
  • Cleaned up the color and new line formatting
Screenshot 2024-02-11 063151.png
Screenshot 2024-02-11 063411.png
Many thanks to @jande for showing me a method to have a Lua to either remain running or to close when complete, as well as the importance of unbinding commands when ending. You can now run in two modes:

1) /lua run augcheck -- Keeps AugCheck running so that further checks can be done using /augcheck
2) /lua run augcheck (empty/all) (Type 1-22) -- Runs AugCheck with selected arguments and then closes