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Work in Progress Basic Assist Macro (lua) 3

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Alright, this is long overdue.

I made a lot of changes to BAM. First and foremost, I split the entire code up into several separate luas that run in parallel rather than in sequence. This means that a delay in the clicky function does not pause the execution of the main script, for example. Or that emergency functions execute at once rather than waiting for "their turn".

As per previous versions, this macro is custom made for me, my toon and my play style, and I upload and maintain it here for you to use as you see fit, or just learn from as I learn from everyone else. I am by absolute no means an expert at making luas or understanding macroquest/everquest functionality.

Also, this lua is still a work in progress, and is in no way, shape or form complete and/or perfect. It crashes from time to time and I have yet to figure out why.

Finally, I started boxing a second toon, so there are some parts of the code that handles this one.

- /bam help : displays these commands
- /bam term : shuts down the script
- /bam conserve : conserve endurance by not automatically using disciplines/AAs in combat
- /bam kills - displays the number of mobs you have slain

Extended commands:
- /ll - displays a list of looted plat/items
- /nag - buggs everyone in the current zone for buffs. If you are in Lobby or PoK, and you are in the General channel, it asks for buffs there, too
- /clicky invisible : toggles the use of cloudy potions to automatically refresh when the invis is about to fade
- /clicky levitate : same as above, but the use of Swiftmantle for levitation
- /clicky current : display clicky settings
1) Removed Forage parts as the use of free standing MQ2Forage plugin is much more efficient.
2) Added nag.lua include, a free standing lua that allows you to automatically ask players in the same zone for buffs.
3) Added loot.lua include, a simple script that keeps track of whatever you have looted during this run of bam.lua
4) Cleaned up a lot of code in bam.lua
Added ability to keep levitating after levitate wears off, using Swiftmantle (instant click levitate)
Added function that actually turns you invisible / activates levitation if you toggle levitate / invisibility on
Added a check to make sure I am not already casting when trying to cast/refresh aura or the illusion

Using this lua, as is, I sometimes pull an insane amount of aggro. I am half NoS-group geared, half CoV/ToL raid geared, and I take aggro from a fully NoS raid geared SK. Some claim it is the SKs fault and that he does not know how to play, but I doubt that. He seems quite competent to me. Is there anything in here that stands out as an aggro-hoe?