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Brief Item Find (bitem) Ver 0.4

-- /bitem me - while holding an item it will search your inventory for all items by that ID/Name and report back to you in the MQ window how many you possess
-- /bitem all - while holding an item it will find all items by that name in your inventory as well as that on other players in your dannet channels and report back in the MQ window for each toon holding 1 or more
-- /bitem me id <item id> - Counts and reports back in the MQ window the number of items found with the stated ID in your inventory
-- /bitem me name <item name> - Counts and reports back in the MQ window the number of items found with the stated Name in your inventory
-- /bitem all id <item id> - Counts and reports back in the MQ window the number of items found with the stated id in your inventory as well as all toons connected via dannet
-- /bitem all name <item name> - Counts and reports back in the MQ window the number of items found with the stated name in your inventory as well as all toons connected via dannet
-- /bitem log debug - toggles debug mode on for some additional feedback
-- Note: Will only report to MQ window if you have more than zero of an item
-- Must run lua on all toons, but then can execute the /bitem command on any one toon, and if using the all flag it will trigger a response on all dannet connected toons