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Brief Item Find (bitem) Ver 0.4

Updated the output so that it shows how many are either in worn slots and/or augment slots vs just floating in free inventory

Flameshield Stone augment
  • 2 placed into armor slots
  • 2 floating in bags
It will tell you that you have 4 total, 2 of them are worn, and 2 of them are in your free inventory slots in your bags

Of note: an augment in a piece of armor in your inventory will simply state it's in your free inventory, it won't tell you where it is located unless you're in debug mode. That message is already getting pretty long, I didn't want to make it longer, the find item option will get you location, but this will give you a quick and dirty count of what you have, and approximately where it's located, as opposed to just an overall count alone.
Added tradeskill depot counts to the lua

Also adjusted the pause and restart function to make it less likely someone lagging a bit will fail to re-enable macros/plugins that they were running first.
Fixed the command to allow /bitem me or /bitem all while holding an object to work, as originally intended, and the usage text shows. Will also work if holding an item and executing /bitem me name or /bitem me id or /bitem all name or /bitem all id. It doesn't care, it will always pull the ID of the item you're holding to do it's search.

Also re-organized the error checks, added more. My brain is mush at this point, so I'm probably re-testing all of the same scenarios. Let me know if you encounter other failure methods.
I've added six new error checking clauses, and tried to be as descriptive as possible about what is wrong, or missing. I made a few minor tweaks and adjustments, but don't believe any of them trigger the errors being seen.

For additional feedback please provide the exact command string you're entering, and whether you had something on your cursor or not when you get the gremlin message. That message indicates there's a condition people are using that I have totally overlooked, and I cannot replicate it, as I cannot trigger it with any of the testing I've done in the past 24 hours.