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Broadcast (DanNet or EQBC) 2023-07-11

BroadcastInterface Usage
local broadCastInterfaceFactory = require 'broadcast/broadcastinterface'

---@alias ColorName 'Previous'|'Black'|'Blue'|'Cyan'|'Green'|'Maroon'|'Orange'|'Red'|'White'|'Yellow'

---@class BroadCastInterface
---@field Broadcast fun(message: string, recievers?: string[])
---@field ExecuteCommand fun(executeCommand: string, recievers: string[])
---@field ExecuteAllCommand fun(executeCommand: string, includeSelf?: boolean)
---@field ConnecteClients fun(): string[]
---@field ColorWrap fun(self: BroadCastInterface, text: string, color: ColorName): string
---@field ColorCodes table<ColorName, string>
local bci = broadCastInterfaceFactory() -- instatiate a new broadcast interface (requires DanNet or NetBots to be loaded, DanNet is preferred protocol)

local command = string.format('/say %s', "This is triggered remotly")
bci.ExecuteAllCommand(command, true) -- 2nd parameter is to include self and is optional (default false)
bci.ExecuteCommand(command, {"Toon1", "Toon2"}) -- 2nd parameter is a list of toons that should execute the command
Now supporting both EQBC and DanNet
DanNet is the preferred method if both are loaded.
If none are loaded, a print warning will be issued instead.
Change to github repository download for better change tracking