Why is it so slow? I want it to tidy up faster - can't we give these chimps crack or something?
Lag and coding around lag. Take a gander at the script if you have ideas to improve speed, but I encountered numerous problems on a tumbleweed server that shouldn't have lag issues trying to get inventory slot selects to register on the EQ server, as well as ghosting in processing the itemlist of the housing plot where it thought the stack I just moved was still in the plot inventory (hence why I get the entire inventory each time the script works on an item row in the housing itemlist). There's got to be a better way, but I ended up ramming delays and other things that do slow things down (those 250ms add up after a while).
Why did it not pick up an item from the plot? Why did it leave an item in my inventory from the plot?
Again, there's only so much defense against LAG that I could code around. Code suggested gladly welcomed - I suspect a refactoring into another design pattern may work to but as a genius programmer once told me - PERFECT IS THE ENEMY OF DONE.
You may just have to rerun the script again. Sorry.
When to run it:
If you were planning on dropping items and notice before you start
CHIMpS Drop there's already some duplication of stackable items, it's best to run this as it will help free up slots to drop using
CHIMpS Drop (like=, category=, dropbag1, etc). However, again, remember that if you have an item in your inventory that is in the housing inventory, both items are going into the housing plot inventory.
When NOT to run it:
Since it takes time to iterate through the housing plot (longer than I prefer personally), if you only want to drop some things and let someone in the future deal with it, it's far better to run
CHIMpS Drop (like=, category=, dropbag1, etc) instead. It'll be much faster.