Not bug but a design flaw - the current workaround might need a different approach. The listing for the trigger phrases from NPCs is not always in reverse order that they are said, because of the janky way I coded in something that prevented 6+ toons all saying the same trigger phrase would fill up the list of available phrases. Suggestions on an approach would be appreciated - I was thinking timestamping the say events and if they are repeated in ... say ... 1 minute or less then don't push them onto the stack of phrases. But if you have a better idea, let me know.
I was thinking of adding a temporary (non saved) check box for also sending a /yes after a delay to auto accept quests (like Teeks in PoK).
A Clear button for the list box might be useful as well.
Hover over of items in the listbox show the NPC and full line of dialog?
Saving the string settings in a configuration file - right now the software defaults to a /dgga for DanNet so it would make sense that it should be saved if people only use the other products.
Adding customizable strings to the top with /hail, Ready, Leave.
Adding /Yes to the top (or you could hack the .lua file if you need it now - I still just /dgga /yes to give my fingers exercise).