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dragula v1.0003

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The settings for draglua are at the beginning of the LUA. They are:

local mindistance = 75this is how close to camp corpses will be ignored
local maxdistance = 1000this is how far you will go from camp to drag corpses
local chase = nilwhere to return. chase can be set to a character name or a macro variable at your discretion.
-- chase = nil returns to your start position.
-- chase = 'strongduder' returns to your character named strongduder
-- chase = mq.TLO.Macro.Variable('yourvariablehere')() returns to some random variable in one of your macros. hope you know what you are doing.
local classcheck = true-- classcheck = true limits to rogues, classcheck = anything else allows any class.

If for some reason it becomes a thing I can make those slash commands and switch to some kind of ini.