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Giveit - Lua to trade an item or coin to PC/NPC

Utility Giveit - Lua to trade an item or coin to PC/NPC 09/01/2024

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Bug Fixes 🐛

- Targeting
@Derple fixed
if you have an army of similar names they would target themselves and not the intended target.
(4b01511) ~grimmier378


PR # [4](https://github.com/towbes/giveit/pull/4): Targeting
(3a82863) ~towbes

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Itemlist ignoring the first item in list, altcoin tab on emu
/giveit itemlist will now recognize the first item in the list.

altcoin tab isn't always tab 4 on emu so lets cycle through and find it.
(29c3393) ~grimmier378


PR # [3](https://github.com/towbes/giveit/pull/3): itemlist ignoring the first item in list, altcoin tab on emu
(700735a) ~towbes


Change /notify cmds to mq.TLO.Window
(fe37438) ~towbes


PR # [2](https://github.com/towbes/giveit/pull/2):
(b0d2061) ~towbes
- removed debug prints
(c6476e0) ~DerpleMQ2
- made alt currency giving more reliable when using frame limiter.
(9cd9061) ~DerpleMQ2


PR # [1](https://github.com/towbes/giveit/pull/1): support for alt coins.
(c4ee4bb) ~towbes
- support for alt coins.
- /giveit altcoin [pc/npc/target] [name] coinname [amount|all]
(7b87bf3) ~DerpleMQ2


Move init.lua to main folder

I think this is how it should be setup to use the github automation...
(a45233f) ~towbes
Add ability to trade to target

Added the ability to use all commands with target instead of spawntype + name
(dc1f3a9) ~towbes
Refactored some code and added two new commands

giveit itemlist [pc/npc] [name] {[itemName] [quantity] .. }
-Provide a list of itemName quantity to trade. Max 4 for NPCs, and 8 for PCs

giveit raid coin plat [amount]
-Gives an amount of plat to all raid members
Can now trade a specific amount of a single slot stackable item

giveit item [pc/npc] [name] [itemName] [quantity (optional, default=1 or all of a stack)]
-Use quotes around the itemName if there are spaces. Quantity will default to 1 if not used, which will trade Whole stacks of stackable items