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Utility GuildClicky 07/20/2024

Download now:  Join us with Level 2 access or earn your way in with  RedCents.



- corrected issue with a crash when minimizing
(e48beb0) ~Sic

Features ⛲

Feature - added Trinket of the Far Frozen Wastes

- added Trinket of the Far Frozen Wastes
(cfc7da3) ~Sic

Features ⛲

Feature - bugfix

- fixed search issue
- consolidated tabs to singular buttons
(dfc3d7e) ~Sic

Features ⛲

- Add plane of mischief
- added plane of mischief clicky
(a91b585) ~Sic


GuildClicky - Cleanup / Additions

- Added guntak
- added brells
- added innothule
- added marr
- added nedaria
- added rathe
- cleaned up trailing spaces
- search box
(16d52a6) ~Sic


Feerott the dream fix
(e972dc9) ~Sic



- corrected typo
(c277187) ~Sic


Laurion's Song clicky

- added LS clicky
- let me know if the text or item information is incorrect
(816c7e0) ~Sic



- Added bloodykith
(03dbfa5) ~Sic