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Utility GuildClicky 07/20/2024

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Howdy all and happy holidays to you and yours :)

- We will now validate if we have a navigation path to the item before trying to move to it
- We will now validate that the item we're moving towards is ACTUALLY the item we want to move toward :)
- Who actually reads this? Oatmeal + Raisin Cookies 4tw.
fixed missing return which results in everyone saying "invalid"

things to do:

- there still isn't any nav validation. so if we have the item, we're going to assume we can nav to it
- there also isn't any validation we have a menu open, we currently assume if the item exists, that we can nav to it, and if we nav to it, we are within range to open the menu and click it
thanks for code review and help AQuietOne <3