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Combat Assist KissAssist 12.002.035

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First we added a new combat entry tag to force/control the delay on recasting AA's and Spell book spells. So keep in mind this only works for AA and spell book spell combat entries. This new tag was added to allow a longer wait time than provided by the Spell.Duration.TotalSeconds TLO.Member. When using Debuffs that have a fulmination, that is triggered when the debuff wears off requires prolonging the delay timers used by KA. This new tag gives you more control over those delays.

The new tag is DAMod= and this is how it is used:

DPS1=Boastful Bellow|99|DAMod=25 This would set the delay to wait 25 seconds after it is cast.

DPS1=Boastful Bellow|99|DAMod=+2 This would set the delay to wait for Whatever the spells duration is(Spell.MyDuration.TotalSeconds) plus 2 seconds after it is cast.

DPS1=Boastful Bellow|99|DAMod=-2 This would set the delay to wait for Whatever the spells duration is(Spell.MyDuration.TotalSeconds) minus 2 seconds after it is cast. Not sure what this would be used for, but I added the code all the same.

25, +2, -2 are just examples. You can use any number value you need.

This should also be useful for necros although I haven't had a chance to test it on a necro. Necros have DOT's that give huge damage on the last tick. This mod should allow you to force a longer wait time so the DOT can expire properly.

Made changes to the Combat positioning and Chase routine. I changed the code to be more persistent at finding/starting a path when using navigation.

Bard singing change that should fix the issue with the bard starting over from the start of their TwistWhat or MeleeTwistWhat after mob death. The bard should continuously sing the same list for when in and out of combat.

Added code for druids to try and fix the issue with recasting Growth spells to soon. Was not able to fully test this, but it should work as intended.

The rest is up to you. Thanks for everyone's support and you know what to do. Happy Hunting!
First off Thanks to @Leo and @TRS80 for testing and helping. This fix mainly benefits Mages but there may be others.

Some DPS entries were getting shutdown at the beginning of a fight because EQ is returning a NOT TAKEHOLD message. An example would be the Chaotic Magma and Fusillade of many spells. The DPS spell has a chance to cast a beneficial buff on the caster, but if the buff already existed, you end up getting the NOT TAKEHOLD message. So the issue was not with the interactions on the mob but with the caster.

If anyone notices any other situations where the NOT TAKEHOLD message is dropping entries from your DPS let me know.

Happy Hunting!
There was an issue with Target switching spamming the call to attack. Thanks go out to @LrdDread for the assistance.

DanNetOn second argument was not getting populated properly.

Summon Corpse routine was not using the correct Book spell for summoning level 125 corpses. This should be fixed now.

MeleeTwistWhat was not getting populated properly if the entry in the ini was NOT numeric. If you use Continuous MeleeTwistWhat should populate properly.

Added an Alias /targetswitch the alias will toggle TargetSwitchingOn on and off. You can also provide and on/off argument. /targetswitch on or /targetswitch off to force TargetSwitchingOn on or off.

Added a command /aggroinfo. The command is for helping figure out why characters are not targeting the MAs target when they should be. The macro uses different logic to acquire a target depending if you are in or out of the MA's group. This command will display information that will help in solving the problem. I am sure this command will change and what information is displayed to provide better help in the future.

Thanks to everyone for the help and happy hunting.
Thanks everyone for your support.
Updates for some requested changes.

1. Added more detail to the combat routines debug messages.
2. Removed the check for the "Rain of Fear" expansion from the AggroCheck routine.
3. Added a check for Healers that Melee to reacquire their melee target before leaving the CheckHealth routine.
4. Pet should now switch targets with their Master when using the /switch command(s).
5. Fixed an issue with Heals when turning them off and back on again without restarting the macro.
6. Added "UAS" tag to heals. UAS=Use As Single heal. This can be used to have your healer cast a group heal using the single target heal code.
Example: Heals1=Some Group Heal|95|UAS
7. Made some adjustments to the Chase and Trackmedown code. There should be less pausing and more chasing when using the Trackmedown command. Your mezzer will still prioritize mezzing over chasing so be aware.
8. Added the check for level 125 Summon corps spell. "Death's Proclamation" is now checked for when trying to summon corpses.
9. Cleaned up some old GMail Event code.
Cures now has its own casting Interrupt. It is no longer part of the healing check. Added an additional check for 32(Cure Interrupt)

New Mage Packs are now part of the Pet toys routine.

Add to Ignore routine fixed an issue when trying to add by ID.

Added a change to the Med routine to allow you to skip buffing while medding. Set MedOn=2 to ignore the buff routine.

You can now customize the WinTitle of your EQ windows. See the Startup Commands in the kiss instructions for details on how the use the section
Example: Command2=/noparse /varset WinTitleText ${Me.Name} (Lvl:${Me.Level} ${Zone.ShortName})

WinTitleText will now be used when setting the Window Title when the macro is first started.
This update is just a correction to a syntax error found in the Timer event when using Tribute.
A quick chainpull fix by @battlenet
Posted by: Redbot
The big change for this version is that you can now use MQ2SpawnMaster for determining Named mobs. The Macro does not need MQ2SpawnMaster loaded to work. KissAssist reads the MQ2SpawnMaster.ini file for the current zones entries and adds them to an alert list that is used to match Spawns names to the list. To use this new feature. Just run the macro and then /end. Edit your character.ini file and turn on UseSpawnMaster=1 in the [General] section.

See MQ2SpawnMaster for directions on how to add mobs to the SpawnMaster list. Go Here. If you looking for existing list then Go Here.

Fixed the DPSAdv.ElapsedTime issue it now uses .TimeElapsed

Added a check in DoWoMed to fix a messaging issue when medding gets interrupted and you return to med when you don't need to.

Added a check at the top of the CampFire routine to abort the routine if CampFireOn if off.

Changed UseMQ2Melee flag to default to 0(off)

Also moved the CAST_COMPONENTS event check to the end of the DoCastingEvents routine. This should fix the trying to cast items when you are out of components.

Did some cleanup in the code and that is about it. You know what to do, and have fun.
This could of happened with any character using a pet and using DPS. The issue was that after mob death CombatReset was not getting executed, and the next mob coming into camp was being considered the same as the last mob killed. This action was causing the Master of the pet to send in the pet on incoming mobs, and if the character was a melee character, to charge after the mob before the mob made it to camp.

The above statement only happened in locations where mobs were being pulled very quickly.

I also included Cures as part of the healing interrupt check. Cures will not get interrupted when heals are not to get interrupted now.