Apr 28 2021 by RedGuides
- MQ2DPSAdv (Sic, brainiac, dannuic, Knightly) Further fixes for crashes. Updated "healed" to " healed " to avoid catching user names like shealedallah the warrior princess.
- MQ2Radar (ChatWithThisName, brainiac, odessa) Add option to use a custom map folder.
/radar Mapfolder "Brewall's Maps"
requires the use of Quotes for multi-word Map folders.
/radar Mapfolder clear
Will clear the use of a map folder and use the default maps.
Adds new INI entry "MapFolder" which is loaded with other character specific options, and saved when the MapFolder is changed.
- MQ2AutoForage (GoldenFrog, Knightly, dannuic) Added default [Global] section to INI. Items will read or write to a global section, unless a zone-specific line exists. e.g.
- MQ2Say (Knightly, ChatWithThisName, dannuic) Adds ability to ignore say messages from members of your group, guild, fellowship and raid. Backported some of the fixes and code-cleanup from Next.
Apr 28 2021
- Updated for TEST
Apr 21 2021 by RedGuides
- MQ2DPSAdv (Sic, ChatWithThisName) Update due to chat color changes
Apr 21 2021 by RedGuides
- MQ2Enchanter (ChatWithThisName) has been removed from beta and is now premium.
- RGMercs (morisato) TLP fixes for warrior/cleric/enchanter. Druids and Mages revamped, the help file is now split between "/rg help" and "/rg advanced"
- MQ2Rez (jimbob, Sic, Knightly, brainiac) Added option for /rez delay #, so rezzes can be delayed again
- MQ2CustomBinds (BigDorf, Knightly) Now defaults to INI file format for bind name/up/down information. There will be a one-time conversion of your .txt files to .ini.
Apr 21 2021
- Updated for LIVE