/lua run lerogue
/lua stop lerogue
/lr pause
— toggles pause
/lr pause on/off
— explicitly turns pause on or off
/lr combat on/off
— enables/disables combat abilities
/lr disc on/off
— enables/disables rotating discs
/lr dot on/off
— enables/disables DoTs
/lr hide on/off
— enables/disables auto hide/sneak
/lr pausehide x
— makes you visible and pauses autohide for x seconds
/lr stayalive on/off
— when on, will use a series of defensive abilities to keep you from dying
/lr glyph on/off
— use power glyph during burn
/lr burn
— do a big burn
/lr burnalways on/off
— do big burn whenever you're in combat
/lr addclicky combat
— adds a clicky currently on your cursor to your combat routine
/lr addclicky burn
— adds a clicky currently on your cursor to your burn routine
/lr removeclicky
— removes a clicky currently on your cursor from both routines
/lr listclickies
— lists the clickies you've added
/lr minlevel x
— change min NPC lvl you'll use combat abilities on (default is 110)
/lr dragcorpses on/off
— If you have a camp set, automatically search for and drag group member corpses whenever someone dies
/lr dragcorpse (name) or (target)
— Specify a name, target a player, or target a corpse to drag. They don't have to be a group member. If you don't specify a player, it will look for any group member's corpse.
When dragging corpses, it will first check if you have a Kissassist camp set, then check if you have a campfire set. If you have neither, it will pull corpses back to your current location.
/lr resetdefaults
— reset all settings to their default states
/lr help
or just /lr
— get a list of commands