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Combat Assist MQ2BerZerker 2791

- added "Untamed Rage" to things we will not let you die to
- - we'll click it off if you're too low, like Reckless Abandon
- we will now disable your epic if you have over 3k hdex.
- - the actual number you don't need to use it is likely lower
- - - but if you still have it enabled at 3k, disabling it will likely increase your dps
- additional checks for Braxi's how for T`Vyls and Funeral Dirge
- Only fire Frenzied if we're already in melee range of the mob
- We will now use battle leap for closing distance if we're rooted with resolve disc
- - We will not spam it for the small on use damage
- - - it is not worth the loss of swing rounds
- added missing command usage for UseDevAssault
- added missing help output for UseDevAssault
- added missing settings output for UseDevAssault
- added missing ini entry for UseDevAssault
- Added devastating Assault
- - burn / aoe
- for Ecliptic Rage
-- Changed Reagents from Axe of the Mangler x 1 to Axe of the Conqueror x 1
-- dbg put this silent change in for the xpac (not in update notes)
- Will now use Autoskill for Frenzy and Kick when appropriate.
- Will no longer spam MQ window looking for Disarm prior to level 10.
- DAxeThrow and DAxeOf will only be used during burns until you get your "modern" end regen which starts with respite (86).
- "Brutal Disc" line now excludes Berserking and Blind Rage discs so you continue to use Cleaving Rage Discipline.
- DFury is now called "Progressive Ability