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Combat Assist MQ2BerZerker 2918

Will now cancel Frenzied Resolve if you are in Chase mode and outside of Drawn to Blood range to your Chase MA.
- Added a toggle for BattleCry line of abilities. /ber UseWarCry on/off/true/false/0/1
applies same hotfix as this am
- Corrected DRage output on plugin loadup
MQ2Berzerker -
- Added Disarm
- Added Toggle button for BindingAxe AA (and output/showsettings)
Add DoCampfire option to automatically create campfires for you (without ever bringing up the window).
Add CampfireDistance option to set the Max distance from your current camp a campfire can be in the same zone.
Correct issue with seemingly random decision made by the puller to go on strike. The character was apparently
upset they had a buff that didn't stack with rez sickness.

Group Shrink clickies will now shrink pets.
SwitchWithMA will now clear your target if the MA has no target at all.

All Plugins - Will no longer chain cast clicky items that are prestiege when you are not on a gold acct.
Testing needed by members who have lifetime accounts.