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Utility MQ2BuffMe

/buffme Help - shows the help menu
/buffme BuffMeOn true/false/on/off/0/1 - Turns on buffme functionality.
/buffme BuffMeSilent true/false/on/off/0/1 - Turns off reply messages.
/buffme BuffMeGuildOnly true/false/on/off/0/1 - Only buff guild members.
/buffme DisplayUI true/false/on/off/0/1 - Always display the UI or not.
PauseMacros true/false/on/off/0/1 - Turns on pausing a running macro.

Show/UI - Temporary toggle the ui window.

/buffme BuffRequestPhrase <buffword> - The word you want to designate for buff requests "Buffme" is default.

/buffme BuffSpellGem ## - This is the spell gem you want to use for buffs.


/buffme BuffSpellGem 5; this would change your buff gem to gem 5.


/tell shamandude buffme endure cold
on "shamandude" /buffthem ChillyWilly endure cold