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Combat Assist MQ2Cast

/castdebug [on|off]verbose output text on or off
/casting <"name"> [type] [option]...The /casting command requires only 1 argument, the name of the spell you wish to cast. If the spell is not memmed, it will try and mem it in gem5 by default. If the spell has more than one word, make sure to surround it with quotes.
  • Note: Although the [type] is optional, it's always recommended to specify if you're casting a spell (specify the gem or number), clicking an item (specify "item" or the slot name/slot number) or activating an AA (specify "alt"), since there are AAs which have the same name as spells and spells and items can have the same IDs.
/interruptThis will interrupt the current spell/item/AA that's casting.
/memorize <name> [gem]Take spell names or IDs, and can use gem# or just the numbers themselves. The gem# or number can also be appended to the end of the name. e.g. /memorize "Minor Shielding" 1
The plugin will attempt to immobilize you before memorizing the spell(s).
/ssd <"name">(spell set delete) This will delete a spell set from the ini file.
/ssl(spell set list) This will list all spell sets that have been saved.
/ssm <"name">(spell set memorize) This will memorize a previously saved spell set.
/sss <"name"> [gem(s)](spell set save) This saves your currently memorized spells into a set you name. By default, all gems (123456789ABC) will be saved. You can also specify the gems you wish to save, e.g. /sss powerlevel 1238
Using other commands from MQ2Cast you can then load these spell sets.