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Combat Assist MQ2Cleric 2866

3:05 - MQ2CWTNBuffs
5:24 - Settings Tab
13:22 - XtargetHealing
18:29 - Healing Value Settings
22:35 - Spell Lineup
26:40 - Opinions/Suggestions/Blathering

Q. Why does my cleric not buff the group / cure the group?
A. You will need to run /plugin mq2cwtnbuffs load on all of your characters that you would like mq2cleric to buff / cure. You also need to NOT be in /clr byos on mode. As "Bring Your Own Spells" assumes you want to handle your spells and your buffs. You can use BYOS custom and it will still do buffing.

MQ2CWTNBuffs requires characters to be local characters (same PC, not across network or space/time).

Q. I don't like the spell lineup.
A. You can "Bring your own spells" with /clr byos on you can even use a "custom" byos, which will still do buffing and put your gems back if they change.

Q. What is BYOS.
A. BYOS allows you to bring your own spell lineup. This setting also assumes you want to handle your own buffs, since we don't memorize or mess around with your spell gems in any capacity. The only non-AA buff we will cast even if you have it memorized in BYOS is the lower lvl HPSTBuff.

Q. Cleric is chain casting something?
A. There are a few lower lvl / mid-level buffs that eq/mq reports stack that do not, or will chain overwrite other buffs and you get into a buffing contest with another toon. You either have this situation or some other issues. I would suggest checking for the red error text that eq gives you to tell you WHY it didn't successfully take hold and then go from there. You can block anything you don't want cast.

EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Buffs
EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Pet Buffs (to add to anyone's pet blocked spells)

*Important* you need to block the ACTUAL spell that you want to be blocked. For example:
- you are having an issue with stacking with
Unified Hand of Assurance Rk. II
- this spell casts "Assurance Rk. II" and "Benediction of Sanctity Rk. II"
- you need to block both those individual spells (including rank) on the person you want it blocked on.

/blockspell add me id
/blockspell add pet id

Q. I don't want the plugin to cast xyz buff on a toon.
A. Any buff you don't want cast upon someone, you would just have that character add it to their blocked buffs.

EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Buffs
EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Pet Buffs (to add to anyone's pet blocked spells)

/blockspell add me id
/blockspell add pet id

Q. Why does my bst keep recasting Spiritual V line on my cleric?
A. I explain this in the mq2cleric video > HERE <. TL;DR - Spiritual V doesn't stack with yaulp, so when yaulp fades, if you don't have the spiritual V line blocked on your cleric, your bst will say "oh snap, my cleric needs spiritual V" and then when cleric uses yaulp, it will overwrite spiritual V - then when it fades we rinse and repeat.

Q. My Cleric and Shaman are getting into a buff contest.
A. the Wulthan Focusing portion of Talisman of the Wulthan doesn't stack with the cleric Armor of ___ line, so you need to block "Wulthan Focusing Rk. III" on your cleric, if you do the Rk. III it will block all ranks from you.

EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Buffs
EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Pet Buffs (to add to anyone's pet blocked spells)

/blockspell add me id
/blockspell add pet id

Q. My Cleric is meleeing in assist mode - I only want to heal.
A. /Clr UseMelee off

Q. How can i get it to break invis to heal?
A. MQ2Cleric will break invis to heal if a camp is set - so mode 1 would break invis to heal, where mode 0 would not.

Q. My Cleric keeps casting something that causes mobs to aggro?!
A. You should toggle off UseRetort. This spell will pull your target's target.

Q. I don't want to use the Aego line, I want to use the Symbols line.
A. Toggle on the UseSymbols option.

Q. Aura of Pious / Aura of the Reverent?
A. It is a pretty insignificant difference in actual damage absorbed as a percentage of total damage taken compared between the two.
Neither Aura stacks with the damage absorption of Shining Defense or Vie line of spells anyhow. So even less significant. There are no plans to change to use the older spell.
- Aura of the Rev does 4% absorption up to a total of 1409 (at rank 3) 100k hit absorbs 1409
- Aura of the Pious does 3% with no absorption total 100k hit absorbs 3k dmg

> Here < is a dbg forum thread with some thoughts on the matter.
Hopefully we will see an upgraded Aura in the xpac.

Q. What is BattleMode?
A. Battlemode will use Contraventions instead of Interventions, as well as nuking-type stuff - You will want to turn on /clr usemelee on so you get full benefit.

Q. Do I need to assign what Xtargets to watch for XTargetHealing?
A. Nope - Just toggle on UseXTargetHealing and it will check all your Extended Targets to see if they are PCs and then heal them at the respective nonMA heal value.

Q. Do I need to assign what Xtargets to watch for XTargetBuffing?
A. Nope - Just toggle on UseXTargetBuffing and it will check all your Extended Targets to see if they are PCs and then buff them (they still need to be running mq2cwtnbuffs and be local)

Q. I'm trying to use a mount, I added the mount to /clr addclicky downtime - but I keep dismounting
A. /clr AutoDismount off

Q. I want my cleric to use my Merciful Shield BP on the MA.
A. You can add this to your addclickies under burn. This checks for stacking, blocked buffs, and buff count etc, so they do need to be local and running mq2cwtnbuffs for us to cast this upon them.
so make sure:
a: you have your MA assigned in your group window
b: your MA is a local toon on mq2cwtnbuffs
c: merciful shield would stack with your toon (not at buff limit or wouldn't stack with another buff you have)
d: you have met your burn conditions are in a burn situation
e: your item is ready to be used, as was added to addclicky burn

Q. I'm spam trying to /corpse someone
A. We don't have it setup to skip or ignore a person yet - if they're in your group we're assuming you're consented and can and want a resurrection.

Q. Do I need to add my 1.5/2.0 to addclicky?
A. Nope, the 1.5/2.0 are automagically used as part of the heal checks. No need to add it to anything. If you have your 1.0 and UseEpicRez turned on, you will use that as well.

Q. Why am I Not Pulling XYZ mob?
A. Not pulling a mob is almost always an issue either with your Navmesh or your pull settings. If you do a /clr debugpull on once and it will cycle 1 time and spit out in your mq2 window all the mobs and why you are not pulling them. Compare the output with the mobs you think you should be pulling and it will tell you why. This will notify you if you have no nav path, or out of zradius, or regular radius, or on ignore, etc.

Q. Trying to go mode 1 but says I need a mesh?
A. The plugins require mq2nav for movement. You will need to run the mesh updater in your RedGuide's Launcher. Please watch the video > HERE <

Q. I sometimes get stuck in my spell book?
A. This is often due to your background fps not being high enough. It is strongly advised to utilize at LEAST 30 fps for background, recommended 60+ background fps. The fps cycle for eq is where "work" is done. If your background fps is set to "min" you can and will have undesired results with all sorts of automation activities.
Alt-O -> Display -> Advanced - > Max Background FPS
You will also need to check if you are using any external background fps limiting software - like isboxer - and adjust that accordingly.