- added emerald jungle and skyfire "Wind of the South/North"
- corrected issue with lessersuccor
- corrected issue with certain portal AAs
- Due to random eq bug on some servers, we'll delay an additional 3 seconds before we try and cast Bear (mana bear)
- We will now memorize Heliacal AE instead of Summer Shock line if UseAoE is on
- "paid" release goes live Oct 18th, 2023
- Don't forget
-- The RG Launcher is unable to *delete* old files.
-- This means you will get an error box if you don't have a current plugin that matches the mq build
-- your options are:
--- a: purchase a license
--- b: delete the old .dll in your plugin folder, and/or
--- c: change your macroquest.ini to MQ2PluginName=0 under [Plugins]