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Combat Assist MQ2Enchanter 2691

- Will now correctly load UseHaste from the INI.
- TashThenMez option.

- Corrected issue where burnnow kept burning.
- Chaotic Mez now ignores giants by default.
- Remedy line is now properly named Synergy.
- Will now Navigate to a spawn we wish to mez.
- Mez Immunity checks were fixt. My fault.
- Will now Memorize and use Appropriation line instead of MindXXX if UseDot is off.
- Orator's Unity will now be used instead of Shielding or WardDefensiveProc lines.
- Automatic Mez Immunity Detection has been added. Will parse cast Error messages to determine what is Mez Immune and add it automatically.
- Added XTargetBuffing option.
- Beta stuff.
- Now including Aura dropdown options in the UI. New XML file included in patch.
- Eldritch Rune now checks stacking.
- GroupHaste will now memorize if you're the same level as the spell.
- STHaste will now memorize if you're the same level as the spell.
- Should now correctly load and save Aura1's previous value. It was previously saving it as Aura2.
- Add /enc MezImmune and /enc UnMezImmune to add and remove things from a mez immune file CWTNMezImmunes.ini in the release folder.
- Should no longer Navigate to NPC's you target manually when not in manual mode and bUseMelee is off.
- Will no longer attempt to charm giants.
- Removed Polyrefractive Rune Strike, and other "strike" type triggered spells from the PBAEStun lineup. My bad.