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Utility MQ2HUD

/backgroundhud {on|off}Turns background updates ON or OFF. When OFF, the HUD will only appear on the active screen, saving CPU cycles on each background client.
/classhud {on|off}Toggles loading the HUD section for your class. You must have a [class] section in MQ2HUD.ini, and the full name of the class is used e.g. [Magician]
/defaulthudLoads the default HUD, named [Elements]
/loadhud <HUD Name>Load the specified HUD from the configuration file. e.g. /loadhud elements
/unloadhud <HUD Name>Unload the specified HUD, e.g. /unloadhud elements
/zonehud {on|off}Toggles loading the HUD section for the current zone. You must have a [zone] section in MQ2HUD.ini, long names are used.