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MQ2MeshManager 2.2

Q: Should I turn the auto updaters and missing mesh grabbers on more than one character?
A: NO. NO NO NO! If two characters try to write to the same file at once you're going to have a bad time. You can load it on all characters, but only turn automatic updaters on in one window at a time. This is being worked on in future versions.

Q: Where is the user interface?
A: I haven't made it yet. This is my first plugin from scratch. I'm not familiar with C++. I'm able to get through this because I do have a background in Objectional C/C and C#. There IS a GUI planned. There's other things for me to fix/improve first. It'll get there.

Q: Can you put emu meshes in this thing?
A: Not yet. I'll be adding features to the website, the meshupdater.exe, and this plugin to handle what I'm going to call channels. Basically anyone will be able to submit a "channel" which will be a set of meshes in a repo. If approved by myself or anyone else I decide to give approval authority. Channels will have two options. ChannelName[Full] - All zones for a custom emu or something, or all zones for EQ with a custom path for some plugin/macro (Explorer for Example). or a ChanneName[Short] and it will fill any missing files with files from the live repo.

A: Simple answer? No. Complex answer. This connection loads no scripts. It loads no website. It's a binary connection directly to files. The container for the server storage is small (It's on an enterprise SSD). I don't want to have to delete log files all the time or waste writes to my disk. The server logs AS LITTLE AS APACHE will allow. The rest of the logs are saved to /dev/null. For those of you who know nothing about Linux servers. That means it's deleted upon creation basically. I keep NO LOGS. If you don't do something stupid that pisses off the firewall (like open 1000s of connections to my server), there is no humanly possible way for me to connect a download to a specific person.