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Combat Assist MQ2Necro 2918

Q: Why do I frequently re-cast Mortifier's Unity?
A: It is likely refreshing FtV (Flesh To Venom), which only has 24 charges. OR you have an issue with mana regen stacking + illusions.

Q: What is FtV (Flesh to Venom)?
A: This comes from the spell specifically, or from your Mortificer's Unity AA - it adds a proc to your dot casting, this buff also sucks your life over time. It only has 24 charges so it wears off rather quickly.

Q: Do you remove Flesh to Venom for twincast?
A: Yep.

Q: Can we get a UseDot setting?
A: No. pause or unload the plugin if you don't want it to do plugin stuff. You can also BYOS and uh, just trash your loadout.

Q: I don't like the spell loadout - are there spell sets?
A: No, not at this time. I spent a large amount of time looking to see if that was something i wanted to build in, and for a multitude of reasons it wasn't. It just doesn't apply the same as the other classes that we have built-in loadouts. If you want to load your own spells you can use byos or byos-custom. keep in mind, broadly, the plugin only uses spells it says it uses.

Q: I was/am the bestest necro in the world, i have a necro epic duckstick and 1.5/2.0 trampstamp and I think you should do xyz.
A: If you have something useful to add, that you can support with details and math, please post it in the discussion thread. Keep in mind, as with all the CWTN plugins, these are not "how sic or cwtn would manually play" these are intended to work in a very broad use case, mostly out of the box with minimal setup. We are certainly open to feedback and suggestions, but if you're looking for very specific niche stuff - this isn't the utility/tool for that. It is almost always a "no, we have no plans on doing that" until it changes. So don't be surprised at "no". Also necro specifically I (sic) played it at a high level for a long time. Unless you are Potus from Bristlebane back in like 99-01, your cool stories are probably super cool - but don't impress me =p. (tho there are at least 2 other back-in-the-day necros from BB i'd love to get in contact with)

Q: I want to root/rot.
A: While you *might* be able to do that, we don't do any rooting (tho - we're rooting for your success and many loots!), or punting, we're also not going to try and save yourself from breaking your own roots from procs and AAs (outside of usenuke). This is, at the end of the day, for boxing.

Q: I want to fear kite?
A: No, sorry, we're not going to do that.

Q: I want to willy-nilly swap targets to multi-dot, debuff, snare, root, /rude, pickpocket, pet aggro, and piggyback-ride.
A: Sorry we are not going to do those things :p

Q. I want to split pull. FD Pull. Fade Pull. Pet Pull.
A. Sorry, we do not have plans to do any of those things at this time.

Q. I seem to be using a different PyreShort than is available to me?
A. We try and match the PyreShort focus from your Robe. We keep track of the 2 best pyre's you have available, and use whichever one of those matches your robe focus.

Q. SwitchWithMA option?
A. There is no option to turn SwitchWithMA off in the Necro we're going to re-acquire the MA's target when we go to do stuff.

Q: Why don't you do *insert cheaty exploit*
A: We're not going to do that. Sorry.

Q: I want to aggro kite in a bad pathing area to exploit the bad pathing so I never get touched!
A: Cool story, we're not going to do that for you. Sorry about that.

Q: Why am I using "Scent of Thule" twice closely?
A: If you have UseIgniteBones on, this is why - the first scent debuffs it, your ignite bones turns it undead, and then the second scent slows it. If you don't want to do this turn off usescent and/or useignitebones

Q: I want to turn mobs undead and slow them?
A: turn on UseIgniteBones + UseScent

Q. It spams snare.
A. As mentioned in other places, we don't handle snare immunities yet, but you can always just click off using AA Snare.

Q: I can't pick up Essence Emeralds, Lifeshards, or Orbs?
A: Yes, since these can end up on your cursor from casting, we need to autoinventory them. If you want to move them around, pause the plugin.

Q: I am running mutliple necros in a group and they sometimes cast groupmanatap at the same time.
A: We use a staggered timer to try and vary the cast times, some overlap can happen depending on a few things. Keep in mind the recourse is pretty long, and the reuse is 60s, so you can likely just turn it off on all but 1 necro.

Q: Will I die to lich while paused?
A: No, we won't let you die to lich / FtV (Flesh To Venom) even if you are paused. Nice try. We will saaaave you!

Q: Lich?
A: We won't cast lich unless you're above 90% health; We will remove lich / FtV (Flesh To Venom) if you go below 30%. We also don't cast lich in safezones

Q: I want to use a lesser synergy spell for mana?
A: We don't really have plans to accommodate this. If there is enough demand we will make it work with BYOS - but it is likely going to be met with a "show me the math to support your argument". There *was* previously an eq bug/reason to do that, it is no longer important.

Q: When do you use Spire/Pyre/Robe?
A: They're part of the burn routine, check your settings and adjust to what we offer adjustability for :p or you can turn them off if you want to handle yourself manually.

Q: I want to burn, but I want to handle Spire, Pyre, and Muram robe myself?
A: Easy! you can leave your burn settings how you want them, but change your SpirePyreDotCount to something like 50. Obviously, you don't have 50 dots, so you'd just not do it

Q: What the heck is a Muram Robe?
A: > Nerask's Silk Armor < quest with the > Jayruk's Vest < drop from Asylum of Anquish raid zone.

Q: Do I need to add Muram Robe to addclicky?
A: No, we handle that automatically.

Q: How do you count dots? is it counting debuffs and non-dots?
A: Nope, we're only counting damage over time spells, and tap->duration tap spells for dotcount.

Q: Lifeburn?
A: Currently doesn't have lifeburn. Maybe put it in, meh.

Q: Why are you memorizing Composite/Dissident/Dicho, it sucks?
A: It does. You can turn it off if you don't want to memorize it. You will memorize Grasptap in its place. Keep in mind grasptap has a longer casting time.

Q: RaidSwapDots?
A: Yup. Use it or don't =p there will be no customization here. Do you need to swap dots? No - it does GREAT on raids without. Can you get more dmg with it? yes.

Q: I have an empty spell gem!
A: Chances are you have several options turned off. For example, Gem 7 can end up empty if you turn off UseSwarmPet and UseShieldOfFate. This might be a good place to manually memorize a mez or another non-automemorized spell. You also might be missing spells /nec missing, or you just might be at a level range where we didn't decide to put a gem in that slot.

Q: Charm?
A: Yup, charm is an option. Currently, we don't auto memorize it for you. Necro charm in the "modern era" is really terrible and breaks far too often. Please don't use it. If you do, have it memorized (like byos/byos-custom), with UseCharm turned on, and kill your pet.

Q: I want to re-charm the same mob?
A: Unfortunately we don't store any mob information. We will just charm the 1st and best choice for charming we find when we go to charm. This means you may not always re-charm the same mob.

Q: Mezzing?
A: Yes, we can use both the "Screaming Terror" line which can mez anything mezzable, and the "Undead Mez" line which can only mez undead. Currently, we do not auto memorize either for you. You can byos/byos-custom if you want to use one, the other, or both and turn on UseMez.

Q: Can MQ2Necro Broadcast Mezzing?
A: /nec broadcastmez on - This will automagically detect dannet/eqbc and broadcast mez usage.

Q: My necro is sometimes moving to do stuff when I don't have usemelee on?
A: If you are in any mode other than manual mode, you will move to mez if you don't have line of sight, are mezzing, and the mob is in your camp radius. This only happens when mezzing.

Q: How can I get it to break invis to do stuff?
A: MQ2Necro will break invis if a camp is set - so mode 1 would break invis to do stuff, whereas mode 0 would not. If you want to break invis in a mode like mode 2, turn on usemelee.

Q: Epic 1.0/1.5/2.0?
A: We don't use the 1.0/1.5/2.0. - of course, if you're below nerf level, 1.5/2.0/2.5 is awesome, so equip it, but we're not going to click it.

Q: Why am I Not Pulling XYZ mob?
A: Not pulling a mob is almost always an issue either with your Navmesh or your pull settings. If you do a /nec debugpull on once and it will cycle 1 time and spit out in your mq2 window all the mobs and why you are not pulling them. Compare the output with the mobs you think you should be pulling and it will tell you why. This will notify you if you have no nav path, or out of zradius, or regular radius, or on ignore, etc.

Q: Why does my Nec not mez (XTarget appears fine)?
A: If you are using AutoMezImmune, check your Immune tab for "Mez Immune" list - under some circumstances mobs can get added to mez immune which aren't totally mez immune.

Q: Lower level feels weird, has empty gem slots, or ___?
A: Empty gem slots are bound to happen at lower level, and also depending on configuration of abilities. Feedback for this should be posted in the discussion thread - it doesn't mean it *will* be adjusted, but under many/most circumstances, we want to have useful spells up and ready to be used.

(added 9-21-2022)
Q: I'd like to use XYZ pet over ABC pet - lower level warrior pet vs monk vs whatever?
A: Currently we just summon your highest level pet, this may or may not change

Q: I changed my pet type but it didn't kill my pet?
A: Indeed, we aren't going to murder your pet for you, poor Goner never stood a chance! We don't know that you actually want it gone - just hit leave and we'll summon you a new one.

Q: Suspended Companion / Pet?
A: EQ does not make if you have a suspended pet available to MQ, so we don't *know* for sure if you have one or not, so we do not use this.

Q: I am chain casting my lich?
A: Make sure if you are auto removing illusions, that you add your skelly illusion to blocked buffs. no longer needed

Q: How do I block a spell, like Skelly Illusion?
A: You would just have that character add it to their blocked buffs.

EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Buffs

EQ Menu -> Character -> Blocked Pet Buffs (to add to anyone's pet blocked spells)

/blockspell add me id
/blockspell add pet id

Q: What Type 3s?
A: This obviously changes on content/expac but:
Luminous Restless Ice
Irae Faycite Shards:
Pyre of Va Xakra
Hemorrhagic Venom
Infected Wounds
Pyre of the Neglected
Scalding Shadow
Zelnithak's Pallid Haze
Danvid's Decay**
Grip of Zorglim**
Ignite Cognition
Proclamation for Blood*

* you can drop this one, it is minimal for actual dmg, you want the cast for the synergy proc anyhow
** these are from ToV vendors because we use the danvid's combination
** i'd expect ToL 2.0 to have the upgrade to danvids

Q: What focus should i get?
A: This obviously changes over xpac to xpac and content but I would start here:

Pyre of Jorobb
Defiler's Synergy
Glistenwing Venom
Mortiferous Wounds
Pyre of the Lost
Smouldering Shadow
Plexipharia's Pallid Haze

Q: What important AAs should i get first?
A: This obviously changes over xpac to xpac and content but I would start something like:
- Important AAs
Enhanced Decay
Critical Affliction
Destructive Cascade
Death Bloom
Blood Magic
Gift of Mana
Heretic's Twincast
Sympathetic Amplification
(Focuses listed above)

Q: Do I need any components?
A: Yes, Essence Emeralds, Tiny Coffins, and Bone Chips.

Q: What add clickies should i have?
- best familiar you can; downtime

-- Personal Hemeic Source (ToL, 2022)
- best mount you can; downtime
-- Owlbear Saddle (ToL, 2022)
- best mask you can; downtime
-- Jann's Veil (TBL)

Other downtime:
- pet metamorph (brownie/vitrik)

- Rage of Rolfron
- Unified Phoenix Feather
- your robe

- your robe

Dazzling Modulation Shard

- your pet earring