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Combat Assist MQ2Paladin 2960

- New Option UseRezOnRaid
- - this allows you to rez your raid (or not) regardless of RaidMode
- added bp to special clickies
- Added Champion's Oath usage (only on test server until next week)
- added CheckForStuckGems
- using your TimerTwo selection
- bifold usage is now in special clicky
- - you can deactivate if you don't want to use
- Added ability to heal npc on xtarget
- - options: XTargetHealNPC (true/false) & HealNPC (#) value to start healing the npc
- rEsPeCt MaH dIsAbLePuLlAbIliTy
- Fixt spelling of Lesson of Remembrance
- Fixt spelling of Revelation
- corrected missing pullability for lvl 122
- hopefully last fix to spell mem loop
-- thanks for everyone's patience today