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Combat Assist MQ2Ranger 2918

- did some cleanup to our memorize cure check
-- should no longer re-memorize battle itself
- Corrected issue where we would spam rotate autofire on and off if we were in pullerassist (and other) modes.
- Corrected issue that would make us not use abilities in pullerassist mode if useranged was on
- We now check stick again if you're greater than 30 from the mob.
-- some users were running into an issue where they may have ended up further than their stick 35 from the mob
--- and were not re-checking stick to ensure they're in range
- adjusted ZerkWnd tooltip for MGBAuspice.
- resend swarmies
- Corrected issue with saving ScarletCheetah, Swarmpet, and UseShoutCombo
- Added Veil usage
- Added Devastating Usage
- Added glyph usage
- added items to list commands and show settings output
- added glyph usage
- added Taunt usage during tanking
-- for shame.
- Added Weapon Shield (but no usage, yet)
- Added Enraging Kicks
-- used during Tanking instead of Jolting Kicks
- Will no longer use Silent Strikes during tanking burns
- no longer put chameleon's gift on the MA
-- will now put it upon ourselves unless we're the MA
- Removed blank entries from ST Shield line (resulting in a "report to cwtn")
- temporary work around
- this *might* put the file on the launcher
Posted by: Sic
- corrected T4/T1 issue with DDAshT1/4