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Combat Assist MQ2Rogue 2960

- additional debugcorpse output
- corrected a potential bug with hide/sneak and priority dragging
- we will no longer try and hide/sneak if you think you might be possibly kinda maybe almost mounted
- PriorityCorpseGrab
- - this allows "AutoCorpseGrab" during combat
- Grabbing corpses in vorpal/chase and return to group rezzer (not camp/ma)
- additional sneak/hide checks while retrieving a corpse
- - as always, it doesn't respect UseHideSneak
- - - if you're retrieving a corpse, we're gonna hide/sneak
- added automagical BP Usage
- - can deactivate if you don't want
- EscapeForEndRegen cleanup
- corrected issue with escaping for endregen usage
- moved mayhem into fellstrike group
- Fixt spelling of Crinotoxin Discipline
- Thief's Vision on raid members